Saturday, August 25, 2007

H o p e s F o r R e c o v e r y

Mr. Maitreya:
I hope you recover soon.
I wish I can find the time to keep "ticking you off," Mr. Geophysicist, you sick man.
Fall semester starts on Monday, and I will be serving my students rather than entertaining you.
I have you trapped into reading my blog. Return soon and happy reading.
Goodluck, Sir


Alan the Red said...

Teaching your students? LMAO

You will teach them what you have been told to teach them, and they will sit exams written by those who told you what to teach them.

You are just a worthless parasite who upholds the system, and no doubt your masters reward you with a nice house in the "burbs".

You are a slave, in a slave nation, the dumbest dumbed-down nation that has ever existed.

They people who ran way and then tell themselves that they are "The Home of the Brave". LMAO

OHere is an outline of history as Biblical Christians view it:

* 1. God creates Lucifer. Lucifer rebels.
* 2. God creates Adam and Eve. They rebel.
* 3. God commits genocide by flood to eradicate sin. Sin persists.
* 4. God fakes his own death to make us feel guilty. Most of us remain disobedient.
* 5. God puts the salvation of the world in the hands of his Christian followers, who with their continuous atrocities, hypocritical amorality and arrogant lies proceed to alienate intelligent and moral people worldwide, losing them forever.

It is clear that the Biblical God is not too skilled at anticipating and correcting errors, even though the divine Plan is the thing we all must have faith in.

Yea right! Incompetent god's chosen incompetent nation, that actually chooses a man who has been bankrupt twice to be their president. What a nation of losers. LMAO

Come on loser, ignoring any military threats to your nation, how is the economy going?

And allow me to now introduce you to Sun Tzu on the art of war.

Sun Tzu said: " When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and their ardor will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your strength.

Again, if the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain.

Now, when your weapons are dulled, your ardor damped, your strength exhausted and your treasure spent, other chieftains will spring up to take advantage of your extremity. Then no man, however wise, will be able to avert the consequences that must ensue.

ROFLMAO How much longer do you delude yourself that the "American Dream" is going to last? Hey, do you know why we don't have an "English Dream"? It's because we are all WIDE AWAKE and laughing at you Yankee losers.

Alan the Red said...

United States
Male, when last I checked. Fathered four (4) children, so I was told; three are here, one died after birth. Raised them, singly, from ages 5, 8 and 10. Philosophy: I owe my children, they owe me not.

Do you know what Mr Philosopher? In 1978 when I realised that I was living in a fascist regime, I put my children first, and got the hell out.

Now here I see you continuing your hangup with "The British" (How does it feel to be so damned inferior?) while ignoring what YOUR country has done.

Who would deny the Tuskegee experiments against African American prisoners, or the MK ULTRA mind control experiments of the ‘60s and ‘70s, or that the government recently legalized the testing of carcinogenic agents on members of minority communities, to cite just a few examples? What liberal voices reveal in their abjectly anti-intellectual denial that IX XI might have been a “false flag” intelligence operation intended to trigger public support for the geopolitical aims of the new administration is their own arrogance, specifically their less-than subtle sense of their own privilege and superiority. “The government might dispose of members of social, racial and ethnic minorities,” their reasoning implies, “but it would never kill with such brazen indiscrimination as was the case on IX XI.” It would never, in other words, kill “me!”

Meanwhile, a critical look at the public record reveals that government officials have repeatedly lied about almost every aspect of IX XI, prior to which they (a) reorganized the national security apparatus in a way that appears to have facilitated the attacks, (b) obstructed field investigations that would have prevented them, and (c) issued directives that confused longstanding national security procedures. They have alternately confessed to and denied receiving multiple advance detailed warnings of the attacks from an extensive variety of credible domestic and international sources. And they have sought to obscure their own close and deep historical and financial ties to international forces playing a part in IX XI. They have suppressed and destroyed material evidence pertaining to multiple aspects of the attacks and even reclassified published material supporting the “inside job” argument (meaning that it is no longer admissible in US courts). And they have deliberately contorted the public record to fit the official account of events. Ignoring the testimony of numerous witnesses to various aspects of the IX XI tragedy that directly contradict the official account, and in manifest conflict of interest, officials have pointedly neglected to investigate IX XI from any angle other than that presuming the entire government’s absolute innocence; this was the narrow — and given the record incredible — course to which the 9/11 Commission was hog-tied from the outset by the director of its “investigation,” Philip Zelikow, a neo-con close to the White House. (As the Commission concedes, its mandate did not include assigning “blame” for IX XI.) Meanwhile, people in and out of government have been harassed and threatened for speaking out about what they know, while many others (we must presume) remain effectively silenced.

It is not unreasonable but incumbent upon us to suspect that such blatant and determined obfuscation shields the guilty: those with the readiest means and clearest motives to plan, facilitate and effectively cover-up an event on the scale of IX XI, officials whose mentors and forbears leave a documented history of premeditating just such epochal crimes. Especially as it was these officials’ long-announced aim to implement a crusade for central Eurasian resources and global (or “full spectrum”) US military “dominance” (including the militarization of space) — a grand design contingent, in their own words, upon “a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat” to the nation such as might be announced in the form of “a new Pearl Harbor.”

Add to this the grotesque anomalies in the physical record pertaining to IX XI. Such as the numerous indications that United Flight 93 was shot down over Pennsylvania, or the government’s suspicious handling of the Flight 77/Pentagon evidence, or the fact that the virulently “weaponized” post-IX XI anthrax strain was cultured in laboratories at Ft. Dietrich in Maryland, or the several indications that the three towers to plunge from the lower Manhattan skyline at near freefall speed on IX XI were demolished by controlled demolition. What’s been characterized by a cross-section of credible academic and expert opinion as the “physical impossibility” of the official narrative for these towers’ collapse has sparked bureaucratic battles — not elaborated upon in mainstream press — that have led in one case to the firing of Kevin Ryan, an official from Underwriters Laboratories, the company which certified the steel used in the towers, only days after he’d clearly spelled out, in a letter to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the implausibility of the official narrative of their destruction.

It is clear to any fair-minded person following the IX XI debate that independent researchers skeptical of the official story are carrying the day in a broad variety of arguments against those attempting to shore up a hemorrhaging (if mercurial) official narrative. While those toeing a slurring government line neglect to engage their detractors openly, their logistical efforts are clearly aimed at evading and obfuscating the latter’s coherent and devastating critiques. What’s frustrating to those of us following the drama is that, while the truth regarding IX XI is slowly winning out, no one besides “conspiracy theorists” seems to be paying much attention.

In his bosom-clutching dereliction of intellectual duty, the liberal intellectual is denying — in curious lockstep with the lunkhead right — that he’s been duped. Snared by conceit, he forbids attribution of any historic event to any catalyst other than that delineated by the regime, no matter how tortured and self-contradictory this official conspiracy theory is proven to be, and no matter how many people of goodwill risk life, reputation and career to set the record straight.

Hey, that was also plagiaried:

You gutless wonder. When will you Yankees have the courage to pick up those big guns that aren't quite as big as your mouths and do something?

We already got rid of Blair and we don't have any guns. You are just like that other fascist regime I was working in; "It can't happen here; God loves us; we are his chosen people".

Yea right! If only you weren't suck a dumbed down loser nation.