Friday, December 21, 2007

A N a n n y M o u s e

In reply to “A Nanny Mouse”
>>"…Some Third Worlders are killing each other in their shit-filled countries, scrapping over their dung heaps, satisfying ancient rages with a furious idiocy? don't have to be a Christian to gape at the Third World in disgusted pity. Your religion is savagery incarnate; your hatreds are tribal and interminable; your contributions to humanity are miniscule.<<

Cindy Sheehan claimed that Bush lied to her. Was she aware of the lie at the time he was committing such lie, or did she realize it later?
If the former, then she should have encouraged her son to go to jail rather than “Iraqi hunting” and finding himself as the occupation’s Qurbani (sacrifice), the hunted.
If the latter, then she must have been very IGNORANT, as is true for almost all Americans (and others, including YOU). When the ignorance consumes you, you cry foul. Certainly not turkey. That is what the Natives fed you so that you could demonstrate "Your religion is savagery incarnate; your hatreds are tribal and interminable; your contributions to humanity are miniscule;” you slaughtered them. That statement of yours is indicative of your profound ignorance. The Chinese have your manufacturing, the Indians have your brains and European Professors “shit” on you in the classrooms. Particularly the East European professors. You are required to pay for your college education while your taxes fully-finances foreigners in your universities. A statement of your "smarts?"
Again “their shit-filled countries, scrapping over their dung heaps, satisfying ancient rages with a furious idiocy”
Now does that explain why the Occupation was “drawn” to the Middle East?
An affinity for “shit,” dung,” “rage” and “idiocy?” I am afraid that what they could not find, they created, are now mired in “the fruits of their creation” and cannot extricate themselves. Fester on it and enjoy!!!!

To nostalgic:
>>The little ones of Iraq are both adorable and awe-inspiring creatures.<< Is being “The little ones of Iraq” a necessary and sufficient condition to be “adorable and awe inspiring”?
Children never asked anyone to go fucking in order to bring them into this world. Aren’t all children “adorable and awe inspiring”?

Sunday, September 9, 2007

P r e p p i n g - f o r - T h e - P e t r a e u s - R e p o r t

Osama’s new release was predicted/pre-announced. Prep the pop before The Divine Revelation. Prepping for The Petraeus Report

Before this "war" started, the Pentagon/US Military/White house announced its intention to “plant” false and misleading reports, to further their cause. During “The Cold War” the CIA planted numerous false reports prior to elections and Coup d'États, engineered by the CIA.

In one such country, shortly before the elections, a briefcase was “left-behind” and “discovered” on a ferry, its owner (foreign agent) having fled to a neighboring country. The briefcase’s contents implicated the communist party with an attempt to seize power.

The fear supposedly created would “explain” the election results (rigged). At the counting of the ballots, a wad of ballots was found, in one of the ballot boxes, bounded by a rubber-band. The election was NOT declared null and void. The AIC would have none of it, since they had engineered the rigging.

The briefcase prepared (scared) the population, and the gullible world into accepting the rigged election.

So here we have a classic case of preparing the US population for General David Petraeus’ report.

No mention is made of the fact that, quite recently (2-3 weeks ago) it was widely reported that The Petraeus Report” would be a White-House’s creation with input from General Petraeus.

”About a century ago, French statesman Georges Clemenceau said war had become too important to be left to the generals.
Now, it seems, the Bush White House has decided the upcoming report on the Iraq war by Gen. David Petraeus has become too important to be left to the general.

The Unbearding of Osama and Castro
We are probably all aware of the CIA’s attempt to “spike” Castro’s cigar with the intention of “de-bearding” him.

Osama, was seen having a beard-do at Walmart. Walmart does hair-dos and beard-dos. Chin-do would be a nicer sounding name.

There was, and probably still is, a conviction that Castro’s popularity is derived from his “beard.” Whose conviction? Our inability to confront the reality of a solution, seduces us to concoct the “ridiculous” to obscure our stupidity, or rather to rationalize the irrational.

We never learnt from the attempt to de-beard Castro, so we present Osama “less-bearded and discolored,” as a fake, a pseudo, an unreal, a liar. NPR ran such a commentary today (07-09-08). I wish “belief” was a four-letter word. I don’t know whether Osama really exists, but the crude attempts at manipulation assaults our intelligence. Or rather, our education system has already so molded our “understanding an/or interpretation”

On NPR Bin Laden Tape: Timing Over Substance

On NPR " The tape is "a reminder about the dangerous world in which we live," Bush said.
"It's important that we show resolve and determination to protect ourselves, deny al-Qaida safe haven and support young democracies," Bush said.

BBC “co-conspirator” headline news ”Iraq carnage 'mastermind' killed”
The Petraeus Report, out tomorrow. More shifting of tax-payers money to the pockets of The Corporations of The Killing

And a contribution to Hell’ary Clintoris working towards the climax in November ’08.

Bill Clinton Urges 'Substantial Drawdown' in Iraq

This woman, in her run for the Senate, claimed she had no designs on the Presidency. Maybe a Coup d'État?
With The Bill, we had two for one; with he’r we’ll have four for two.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

D o g s i n t h e B e d

Western women in bed with their dogs and practicing the most rabid form of racism towards humans. What a paradox

T h e - P a i t - w e - u t s

To George:
"go shopping at the mall"
That's the key. In another decade, that will change drastically and "the accumulation of wealth" will assume a quite different meaning.

To Lost here:
I'll go easy.
Your education system has you lost all over the place, not only here.
I have lived in a once occupied country, and originated from another such country. You feel "the occupation" in your bones.
I once spoke with a staff member (American woman) and she told me that I should change my name to Michael. She added that she has a friend who has the same first-Muslim-name as mine and he changed his name to Michael. I told her I will not adopt an slave name. Today that would be an ""occupied" name. "She was shocked and went on to say, "But this is the melting pot." I responded with, "Blacks have been trying to "melt" for over a century."
We often use the word melt when we mean dissolve. So I would say that Blacks are, "un-meltable", cannot dissolve, insoluble. Those pigment-genes need to be silenced. And then we have the mouth-genes, nose-genes,....ahh scrub it. We have six-star prisons. Better than five-star.
I have told all of my children that, should they abandon their culture, they will be naked. And should they need an apt example, look at American Blacks. Everything was taken from them and then they were given the Star of David prisons. This is America’s design on the “non-white” world.
Yes, after they have you totally screwed, you are another place for sex-tourism. Comfort women, comfort boys, comfort men, comfort hole in an oil-pipeline. That one will be well-oiled for some time. Not to mention several permanent super military –bases and their attendant multi-dimensional pollution.
When I watch Iraqi MEN stretch their hands up to American Tanks, for candy, I FEEL HUMILIATED. The men have been made into lowly dogs. Not to mention what is said to them. That’s how I feel.
The word, “pait-we-uts’ is American. We have used it to the extent that we own it. Not another country in this or any universe, has patriots. Only America does. The others are to be “pait-we-ut-ed.”
Rationalizing occupation is not an option. It is an “F” for failure. Sorry.
I will make another post since this one is already long.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

D e c o n s t r u c t i n g O c c u p a t i o n 1 0 1

Layla: You’re moving too fast for me, but keep going. I am late with my posts but I hope you don’t mind me commenting on previous posts.

Destruction? If there is nothing to build then you must first destroy. Destruction and construction are mutually dependent – one implies the other. And the money – from the “saved” oil ministry, operating pipelines with broken meters and paying Halliburton the going Pentagon rates – US$2000000 for a shit house.

”…. colonialism still managed to build a road or two…”
Colonialism built for their purpose. The British Bullshit Conspiracy (BBC) thrives on stupid people. The BBC once asked for comments on the “English/British-built,” railway system in India. Everyone kissed the English/British ass in praise. I wrote that it was the Iron Horse of Oppression. In times of need, the Limeys (English troops) would commandeer it to move troops. So it was primarily a troop-train system. The BBC never published my comment, as well as subsequent ones.
The same was true for the Civil Service System. Find work for dumb white-boys, in senior positions.
On the Plantations, the senior staff, all white, is housed in metal-fenced compounds. In my youthful naiveté, I figured it was to keep-out the dumb natives, but as I leant who were in those compounds, I realized that it was a cage to keep the dunces caged. None flew the Cuckoo’s Cage.

”….two towers crumbling….”
The Controlled-Demolition Salsa? Or the Indian dance in which you execute a controlled descent to the ground, with your shoulders, going almost to the ground, your legs, folded at the knees, under you. The difference? You will rise from that position; the towers couldn’t, despite all the “snake-charming” music of Giuliani’s fire engines.

”…3'000 dead…. people crying…”
Kleenex stock-jump…

Didn’t the Israelis arrive to set-up a soap factory? Thought they never miss a business opportunity. Not that the killing in Iraq or other places will stop, but money will be made on dead bodies. I suppose Caterpillar must be doing good business selling earth-moving equipment to excavate for mass graves. A 5000 pound bomb could do that, but the Cat will have to undo the hole. Capitalism seeks to make money on EVERYTHING.

”….tanks rolling…..running over a couple of civilians…”
Rachel Corrie manoeuvre, perfected by the Israelis, facilitated by Caterpillar, pirated by America.

”Having your schools, universities, libraries burned down and emptied”
The Dark Ages. Recovery facilitated by the Arabs. That was their undoing. Now the barbarians are in the gates. Some “better read” folks will understand what I am saying here. The “destructors” are not “edu-cash-ion-ed..” They wouldn’t know.

”….Turning your agricultural land that used to sustain you into poppy fields…. drugs traffickers…”
This was one of the purposes served by occupied India, to China’s detriment. The British are “growing” in Afghanistan. The Americans will not be out done by their poodle.

”Walking out of your doorstep and stumbling on rotting cadavers, immersed in pools of sewage and have your neighborhood turned into a junk yard…Having your loved ones kidnapped, abducted, tortured, mutilated, raped and dumped in some street.
I have no comment. I am on SICK leave.

”…riddled with disease, cancer….”
Good for big pharma. Soon they will be telling you that America's tap water will repair damaged DNA.

”…your archelogical sites….”
Un-educashion no need archi…(what). Reminder: The edu-cash-ion level for entry into US military has recently been reduced. Doan stress those boys with architecture. Pulling triggers are already very stressful. Stress is released by spinning bullets. Let’s hope they don’t spin them on the streets of the US. But that’s good business too.

….with yankee graffitis….
Lots of graffiti ghetto boys are in the military. All the walls of the US have been graffiti-ed. Go to Iraq and find some nice walls. Those boys are making home away from home.

….professional mourner…
Kleenex is opening shop. Paper hearts and boxed minds.

”Dismantling the State apparatus, the "local" army, sacking civil servants…”
It is called building the Resistance. Creating the distraction while “milking” the broken-meter oil pipelines.

Dividing your country, …….lines were non existent before…
Now you sell three sets of arms to them, (instead of one) providing jobs for the only significant manufacturing sector left in the US. If these folks don’t have jobs, they will be marching on The Fancy House on Pennsylvania Avenue. Also, it returns the oil money to Wall Street.

” forcing couples to divorce”
Layla, who keeps the children? I am certain that is another bad situation for them.

”Emptying your country's treasury of its wealth in billion of Dollars”
Kofi An-ant and his fatted son, breast sucking on the “Oil-for-Food” money.

”…making fraudulent contracts and stealing by every mean possible.”
This one is called the PP – Pentagon Price – where you get hammered for a $2000 hammer, screwed for a 15¢ screw and washered for a 19¢ washer. Somebody has to pay.

…witnessing your smelly shits, squatting the palaces of the legitimate President that you slaughtered
Moral? Don’t build palaces. It attracts ghetto fleas, ghetto flies, ghetto rats, black-house weasels,… Do you get my stench? Okay!!

...So forgive me, Iraq,
Forgive them not, for the un-edu-cash-ioned, must have palaces in Iraq, and sleep on side-walks in DC and NYC – homeless vets, but they will keep coming to Iraq and side-walk.
Forgive them not, for they know not where they will sleep tomorrow. I am sure Saddam would have been willing to cashed (financed) their education.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

American-travel to Cuba

Hi Layla:
Restrictions on American-travel to Cuba was imposed, or re-imposed, by the current uncounted (Bush) regime However, it was recently in the news, of Cuban-trained American doctors returning to the US to work. One of my students told me he is planning to study medicine in Cuba. I cannot tell you under what condition(s) they are able to study in Cuba. Perhaps the restrictions are only on tourists. Also, I cannot imagine that US pharma reps are not visiting Cuba for business purposes.

In addition, the students must still take and pass the USMLE (US Medical Licensing Exams).

The score for US trained students is lower than that for others. So a higher score is expected of a Cuban-trained doctor.

One of my daughters (US trained) expects to take her USMLE in a few months and I may get additional information from her. As I had mentioned earlier, her husband is also a doctor, and I say with regret, he is in the US Navy. He has been posted to Iraq at least twice. At his wedding reception, he declared that he is willing to die for two things, his country and my daughter. I wonder, for what is he willing to kill? Incidentally, he is of Trinidadian parentage, Indian descent. I don’t know how he reconciles killing people with saving people. His Hippocratic oath?

O n e H o t T h a n g T o O n e H o t S a l s a.

Layla, From That Oriental Thang to Moving Sands, common theme?

I'd rather do Kama Sutra. I was born with it. Nothing to learn. See, easy!!

Oh for Cuba, Castro and Che:
During the Dark Ages (Cold War days) the US accused every friend of a communist country of being communist. The Communists are coming!!! In trading with the communist, you don't Salsa with Wall Street, and that is dangerous to you political health. The US (and their British poodle, when necessary) undermined and leveraged ever “communist” democratically elected government, out of “power.

Cuba traded with its friends on terms akin to barter, and hence the trade was fairer and more balanced. The US tried to isolate Cuba by victimizing those who dare to Salsa with Castro.

Currently, the Cubans have thousands of Medical doctors serving the Venezuelan government. Also, they are training several thousands from around the world. Students from the US attend medical school in Cuba, at no cost. The only condition is that they return and work in a “poor” area of the US.

Bolton, who wants to WMD the UN, accused Cuba of developing WMD, after it was announced that clinical trials of Cuba-developed drugs were about to begin in the US. Of course, it was WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction of cancer cells.

That Bolt-on had something bolted-off, his brains. Lend the man an SAE “wench.” And screw him on for it. (No correction necessary - I pass myself)

Cuba has a well developed Biotechnology Industry and cooperates with several countries in this area.

The US pharmaceutical companies would experience withdrawal symptoms if denied its "drug" of parasitizing the consumers, especially since there are few new drugs “in the US pharmaceutical pipeline.” So they have to be co-conspirators in the development and FDA approval of Cuban WMD. I suppose Wall Street will have to salsa to the dictates of the US pharma companies.

Now onto development of a gene-specific, fast-acting, spray Salsa (sauce). It will express those genes which will cause AWTD* to self-destruct, (shrivel and shed) upon contact. Leave it the dogs will get it. Now you can be hung from only one head.
*American Weapons of “Tight-space” Destruction ((AWTD).

Cuba survived despite numerous US attempts to depose its leader and repossess it, for the Mafia, as their crime den.

Had Che succeeded, Latin America would have been a paradise. The constant onslaught of the US on Communism necessitated that the communist countries divert resources to counter the US threat.

One, so-accused country, introduced free secondary (High-School) education, built several secondary schools, established a university, placed a nurse and a dispenser in almost every village, developed and distributed vast areas of agricultural land, at little cost to the farmers (the farmers profited from the produce but the govt. retained ownership of the land, to prevent its sale), enabled the ownership of low cost, newly built houses and other projects too numerous to mention. The education system was the envy of the region.

A dispenser is a pharmacist – who diagnoses illness, dispenses medicines and performs simple medical procedures. The number of doctors was few and were all trained, at great expense, in the US or UK.

This development benefited all races which chose to participate. The “opposition races,” did the dirty work, on the dictates of their masters, the CIA, and MI5/6. The CIA supplied the list of “the communists” to the then colonial power. This led to numerous arrests. These actions had started in the early, “50’s (or possibly late ‘40’s), with Churchill imprisoning the leader of the Communist Party. Several of my uncles were imprisoned. There were strikes, demonstrations, lootings and burning of buildings and assault on the “communist” race. Assaults on women were the desired way to humiliate the other race. These thugs were at the beck and call of the CIA. The CIA’s bombing of a passenger-launch caused the death of several of the opposition race. This led to the unleashing of mass violence on the race supporting the government. The number of those murdered is unknown. An investigation was never held.

The violence brought the violent British, softly, softly, and the fucking started. All, the “tight places” were fair game. One of my teachers married a British gun-man; the local men were not good; too smart, too black (hair), too “born with a tan.” Knew too much Math, Science and other disciplines of enormous consequence. Don’t blame the woman, the natives had no guns so they cultivated “brains.” Have guns shall cultivate death. She was prepared to nest(le) under a dumb gun-man, all guns drawn. The White gun-man, uneducated dumb British/English, man of choice, "bestest" man at the show.

They spread their wings and flew to the “English” country.

The poor dumb kid had only enough brains to pull a trigger, and hence was not aware that his mother was an outlaw. So he presented his wife to her mother-out-law and the relation ship was promptly outlawed. What else, the lady is an Outlaw, not unlike shrub, Chain-y, Lice, TB and the newly minted poodle GB (Gordon “Black,” I meant Brown). What an aggregation!!

After she was dumped, by her mother-out-law, she followed the falling stars back home and I had my teacher back. And everybody lived happily ever after. And I was happy. Story end book closed. And I went to sleep with a smile.

Now back to serious:
Wall Street was walled out from our development. We did not grovel to anyone for a single penny.

US and British tax payers financed the (CIA/MI5/6)’s “pussy-walk” operations. US taxpayers paid, we died. Why "pussy-walk?" "FirePower" accords themsleves that divine right." Visit my 2004 creation of my Global Injustice blog and read about my early writing on "Firepower."

The election accounting process was changed and the “communist” was deposed. The old slaves were re-slaved by the old slave masters (colonized minds never die), serving the dictates of the CIA and MI5/6.

The violence makers were to be rewarded. The CIA “funneled” money to the AFLCIO who “funneled” it to the local TUV (Trade Unions of Violence). (Funnel collection was never a hobby then, or I would have been funnel-wealthy) This was to fund the construction of their houses. All the houses were awarded to the strikers and violence perpetrators. They were all of one race. The houses were priced at 5 times that for which the communist provided houses.
Capitalism at screw. All the tight places were now loose places. Everything began to "fall apart" and the country became the most (per Capita) heavily indebted country in the world and one of the poorest on this side of the moat.
The rest is history but the government has changed again and the parties are vying for the Cup of Sucking Power, to be awarded by The Bush in the Castle.