Friday, December 21, 2007

A N a n n y M o u s e

In reply to “A Nanny Mouse”
>>"…Some Third Worlders are killing each other in their shit-filled countries, scrapping over their dung heaps, satisfying ancient rages with a furious idiocy? don't have to be a Christian to gape at the Third World in disgusted pity. Your religion is savagery incarnate; your hatreds are tribal and interminable; your contributions to humanity are miniscule.<<

Cindy Sheehan claimed that Bush lied to her. Was she aware of the lie at the time he was committing such lie, or did she realize it later?
If the former, then she should have encouraged her son to go to jail rather than “Iraqi hunting” and finding himself as the occupation’s Qurbani (sacrifice), the hunted.
If the latter, then she must have been very IGNORANT, as is true for almost all Americans (and others, including YOU). When the ignorance consumes you, you cry foul. Certainly not turkey. That is what the Natives fed you so that you could demonstrate "Your religion is savagery incarnate; your hatreds are tribal and interminable; your contributions to humanity are miniscule;” you slaughtered them. That statement of yours is indicative of your profound ignorance. The Chinese have your manufacturing, the Indians have your brains and European Professors “shit” on you in the classrooms. Particularly the East European professors. You are required to pay for your college education while your taxes fully-finances foreigners in your universities. A statement of your "smarts?"
Again “their shit-filled countries, scrapping over their dung heaps, satisfying ancient rages with a furious idiocy”
Now does that explain why the Occupation was “drawn” to the Middle East?
An affinity for “shit,” dung,” “rage” and “idiocy?” I am afraid that what they could not find, they created, are now mired in “the fruits of their creation” and cannot extricate themselves. Fester on it and enjoy!!!!

To nostalgic:
>>The little ones of Iraq are both adorable and awe-inspiring creatures.<< Is being “The little ones of Iraq” a necessary and sufficient condition to be “adorable and awe inspiring”?
Children never asked anyone to go fucking in order to bring them into this world. Aren’t all children “adorable and awe inspiring”?

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