Layla, From That Oriental Thang to Moving Sands, common theme?
I'd rather do Kama Sutra. I was born with it. Nothing to learn. See, easy!!
Oh for Cuba, Castro and Che:
During the Dark Ages (Cold War days) the US accused every friend of a communist country of being communist. The Communists are coming!!! In trading with the communist, you don't Salsa with Wall Street, and that is dangerous to you political health. The US (and their British poodle, when necessary) undermined and leveraged ever “communist” democratically elected government, out of “power.
Cuba traded with its friends on terms akin to barter, and hence the trade was fairer and more balanced. The US tried to isolate Cuba by victimizing those who dare to Salsa with Castro.
Currently, the Cubans have thousands of Medical doctors serving the Venezuelan government. Also, they are training several thousands from around the world. Students from the US attend medical school in Cuba, at no cost. The only condition is that they return and work in a “poor” area of the US.
Bolton, who wants to WMD the UN, accused Cuba of developing WMD, after it was announced that clinical trials of Cuba-developed drugs were about to begin in the US. Of course, it was WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction of cancer cells.
That Bolt-on had something bolted-off, his brains. Lend the man an SAE “wench.” And screw him on for it. (No correction necessary - I pass myself)
Cuba has a well developed Biotechnology Industry and cooperates with several countries in this area.
The US pharmaceutical companies would experience withdrawal symptoms if denied its "drug" of parasitizing the consumers, especially since there are few new drugs “in the US pharmaceutical pipeline.” So they have to be co-conspirators in the development and FDA approval of Cuban WMD. I suppose Wall Street will have to salsa to the dictates of the US pharma companies.
Now onto development of a gene-specific, fast-acting, spray Salsa (sauce). It will express those genes which will cause AWTD* to self-destruct, (shrivel and shed) upon contact. Leave it the dogs will get it. Now you can be hung from only one head.
*American Weapons of “Tight-space” Destruction ((AWTD).
Cuba survived despite numerous US attempts to depose its leader and repossess it, for the Mafia, as their crime den.
Had Che succeeded, Latin America would have been a paradise. The constant onslaught of the US on Communism necessitated that the communist countries divert resources to counter the US threat.
One, so-accused country, introduced free secondary (High-School) education, built several secondary schools, established a university, placed a nurse and a dispenser in almost every village, developed and distributed vast areas of agricultural land, at little cost to the farmers (the farmers profited from the produce but the govt. retained ownership of the land, to prevent its sale), enabled the ownership of low cost, newly built houses and other projects too numerous to mention. The education system was the envy of the region.
A dispenser is a pharmacist – who diagnoses illness, dispenses medicines and performs simple medical procedures. The number of doctors was few and were all trained, at great expense, in the US or UK.
This development benefited all races which chose to participate. The “opposition races,” did the dirty work, on the dictates of their masters, the CIA, and MI5/6. The CIA supplied the list of “the communists” to the then colonial power. This led to numerous arrests. These actions had started in the early, “50’s (or possibly late ‘40’s), with Churchill imprisoning the leader of the Communist Party. Several of my uncles were imprisoned. There were strikes, demonstrations, lootings and burning of buildings and assault on the “communist” race. Assaults on women were the desired way to humiliate the other race. These thugs were at the beck and call of the CIA. The CIA’s bombing of a passenger-launch caused the death of several of the opposition race. This led to the unleashing of mass violence on the race supporting the government. The number of those murdered is unknown. An investigation was never held.
The violence brought the violent British, softly, softly, and the fucking started. All, the “tight places” were fair game. One of my teachers married a British gun-man; the local men were not good; too smart, too black (hair), too “born with a tan.” Knew too much Math, Science and other disciplines of enormous consequence. Don’t blame the woman, the natives had no guns so they cultivated “brains.” Have guns shall cultivate death. She was prepared to nest(le) under a dumb gun-man, all guns drawn. The White gun-man, uneducated dumb British/English, man of choice, "bestest" man at the show.
They spread their wings and flew to the “English” country.
The poor dumb kid had only enough brains to pull a trigger, and hence was not aware that his mother was an outlaw. So he presented his wife to her mother-out-law and the relation ship was promptly outlawed. What else, the lady is an Outlaw, not unlike shrub, Chain-y, Lice, TB and the newly minted poodle GB (Gordon “Black,” I meant Brown). What an aggregation!!
After she was dumped, by her mother-out-law, she followed the falling stars back home and I had my teacher back. And everybody lived happily ever after. And I was happy. Story end book closed. And I went to sleep with a smile.
Now back to serious:
Wall Street was walled out from our development. We did not grovel to anyone for a single penny.
US and British tax payers financed the (CIA/MI5/6)’s “pussy-walk” operations. US taxpayers paid, we died. Why "pussy-walk?" "FirePower" accords themsleves that divine right." Visit my 2004 creation of my Global Injustice blog and read about my early writing on "Firepower."
The election accounting process was changed and the “communist” was deposed. The old slaves were re-slaved by the old slave masters (colonized minds never die), serving the dictates of the CIA and MI5/6.
The violence makers were to be rewarded. The CIA “funneled” money to the AFLCIO who “funneled” it to the local TUV (Trade Unions of Violence). (Funnel collection was never a hobby then, or I would have been funnel-wealthy) This was to fund the construction of their houses. All the houses were awarded to the strikers and violence perpetrators. They were all of one race. The houses were priced at 5 times that for which the communist provided houses.
Capitalism at screw. All the tight places were now loose places. Everything began to "fall apart" and the country became the most (per Capita) heavily indebted country in the world and one of the poorest on this side of the moat.
The rest is history but the government has changed again and the parties are vying for the Cup of Sucking Power, to be awarded by The Bush in the Castle.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
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Hey, I just love this one, self-righteous Yankee boy, courtesy of Christopher Hitchens. It actually covers several points about your loathsome country that I myself have brought up, and got into arguments with Yankees about.,,2156398,00.html
How do I dislike President George Bush? Let me count the ways. Most of them have to do with his contented assumption that 'faith' is, in and of itself, a virtue. This self-satisfied mentality helps explain almost everything, from the smug expression on his face to the way in which, as governor of Texas, he signed all those death warrants without losing a second's composure.
It explains the way in which he embraced ex-KGB goon Vladimir Putin, citing as the basis of a beautiful relationship the fact that Putin was wearing a crucifix. (Has Putin been seen wearing that crucifix before or since? Did his advisers tell him that the President of the United States was that easy a pushover?)
It also explains the unforgivable intervention that Bush made into the private life of the Schiavo family: leaving his Texas ranch to try and keep 'alive' a woman whose autopsy showed that her brain had melted to below flatline a long time before. Here is a man who believes the 'jury' is still 'out' on whether we evolved as a species, who regards stem cell research as something profane, who affects the odd belief that Islam is 'a religion of peace'.
However that may be, I always agreed with him on one secular question, that the regime of Saddam Hussein was long overdue for removal. I know some critics of the Iraq intervention attribute this policy, too, to religious motives (ranging from messianic, born-again Christian piety to the activity of a surreptitious Jewish/Zionist cabal: take your pick).
In this real-world argument, there is a very strong temptation for opponents of the war to invoke the lessons of Vietnam. I must have written thousands of words attempting to show that there is absolutely no analogy between the two conflicts.
Then, addressing the convention of the Veterans of Foreign Wars last week, the President came thundering down the pike to announce that a defeat in Iraq would be - guess what? - another Vietnam. As my hand smacks my brow, and as I ask myself not for the first time if Mr Bush suffers from some sort of political death wish, I quickly restate the reasons why he is wrong to join with his most venomous and ignorant critics in making this case.
1) The Vietminh, later the Vietnamese NLF, were allies of the United States and Britain against the Axis during the Second World War. The Iraqi Baath party was on the other side.
2) Ho Chi Minh quoted Thomas Jefferson in proclaiming Vietnam's own declaration of independence, a note that has hardly been struck in Baathist or jihadist propaganda.
3) Vietnam was resisting French colonialism and had defeated it by 1954 at Dien Bien Phu; the real 'war' was therefore over before the US even landed troops in the country.
4) The subsequent conflict was fought to preserve an imposed partition of a country striving to reunify itself; if anything, the Iraqi case is the reverse.
5) The Vietnamese leadership appealed to the UN: the Saddamists and their jihadist allies murdered the first UN envoy to arrive in Iraq, saying that he was fit only for death because he had assisted in securing the independence of East Timor from Indonesia.
6) Vietnam never threatened any other country; Iraq under Saddam invaded two of its neighbours and declared one of them (Kuwait) to be part of Iraq itself.
7) Vietnam was a victim of chemical and ecological warfare; Iraq was the perpetrator of such illegal methods and sought to develop even worse nuclear and biological ones.
8) Vietnam neither sponsored nor encouraged terrorist tactics beyond its borders; Iraq under Saddam was a haven for Abu Nidal and other random killers and its 'insurgents' now proclaim war on Hindus, Jews, unbelievers and the wrong sort of Muslim.
9) There has for years been a 'people's war' fought by genuine guerrillas in Iraq; it is the war of liberation conducted by Kurdish fighters against genocide and dictatorship. Inconveniently for all analogies, these fighters are ranged on the side of the US and Britain.
10) The Iraqi Communist party and the Iraqi labour movement advocated the overthrow of Saddam (if not necessarily by Bush), a rather conspicuous difference from the situation in Indochina. These forces still form a part of the tenuous civil society that is fighting to defend itself against the parties of God.
11) The American-sponsored regimes in Vietnam tended, among other things, to be strongly identified with one confessional minority (Catholic) to the exclusion of secular, nationalist and Buddhist forces. The elected government in Iraq may have a sectarian hue, but at least it draws upon hitherto repressed majority populations - Kurds and Shias - and at least the American embassy works as a solvent upon religious and ethnic divisions rather than an inciter of them.
12) President Eisenhower admitted that if there had ever been a fair election in Vietnam, it would have been won by Ho Chi Minh; the Baath party's successors refused to participate in the Iraqi elections and their jihadist allies declared that democracy was an alien concept and threatened all voters with murder.
13) The Americans in Vietnam employed methods ('search and destroy'; 'body count') and weapons (napalm, Agent Orange) that targeted civilians. Today, those who make indiscriminate war on the innocent show their hand on the streets of Baghdad and are often the proxies of neighbouring dictatorships or of international gangster organisations.
The above list is by no means exhaustive, but will do, I think, as a caution against any glib invocation of historical comparisons. One might add that among the results of the Vietnamese revolution was an admittedly crude form of market socialism, none the less wedded to ideas of modernisation; a strong resistance to Chinese expansionism (one excuse for Washington's invasion); and a military expedition to depose the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia.
I cannot see how any self-respecting Republican can look at this record without wincing and moaning with shame or how any former friend of the Vietnamese can equate them with either a fascist dictatorship or a nihilistic Islamist death-squad campaign. And now Bush has joined forces with anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan in making the two struggles morally equivalent.
It is true that the collapse of the doomed American adventure in Indochina was followed by massive repression and reprisal, especially in Cambodia, and by the exile of huge numbers of talented Vietnamese. But even this grim total was small compared to the huge losses exacted by the war itself. In Iraq, the genocide, repression, aggression and cultural obliteration preceded the coalition's intervention and had been condemned by a small but impressive library of UN resolutions. Thus, the argument from 'bloodbath', either past or future, has to be completely detached from any consideration of the Vietnamese example.
Bush made his speech just as French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, a distinguished socialist and humanitarian, visited Baghdad and embraced some Iraqi and Kurdish freedom fighters, such as President Jalal Talabani, the leader of a party that is a member of the Socialist International. It takes a special kind of political and moral idiocy to choose such a moment to wax nostalgic for America's inheritance of a moribund French colonialism in Indochina. If one question is rightly settled in the American and, indeed, the international memory, it is that the Vietnam War was at best a titanic blunder and at worst a campaign of atrocity and aggression.
But not all the ironies are at Bush's expense. Change only the name of the analogous country and it becomes fairly clear that in Iraq we are fighting not the Vietcong, but the Khmer Rouge, as the Vietcong eventually had to do on our behalf. The logic of history is pitiless and Bush is not the only one who will find this out. Ends:
How the hell any Yankee can convince themselves that they didn't spend 30 years in Vietnam, fighting a French colonial war, is beyond me, but you dumbfuck Yankee still keep convincing yourselves that you were fighting "communists". You're pathetic. You sit there screaming about what the British did, while ignoring the fact that YOU are the biggest fascist regime this world has ever known.
You disgust me, Monkey Boy.
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