19/8/07 1:07 AM
"...the entire house who is English...they're Scots...the tribe of Jacob."
Are you an apologist for your heritage?
"...with the parasites who drag us into corporate wars for Israel, or with the Yanks..."
Rather interesting; parasites dragged you into war? For 700 or 200 Brits? Your parasitic PM, Tony Blair, claimed that he must ”war” with Afghanistan for 600-700 dead Brits on 911. That number was later reduced to less than 200. Did he then "war" less? And then he continued on his march "to butcher" the Iraqis for non-existent WMD's. The Pale Faces (White Men) have spoken with forked tongues (lied) for centuries. The Native Americans made the statement, "Pale faces speak with forked tongues." Now you are trying to tell us that you were dragged into "war?" What war, Maitreya? You attacked an Iraq which you weakened with sanctions, which was in no position to even mount a defense, and you call it a war?
The Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is now infested with the parasitic bacteria, TB, Tubercle Bacillus, otherwise known as Tony Blair. (Doesn’t matter that he is no longer PM, the sore festers.)
"...get away from that Queen, and yet now seem to be serving her government so well..."
Are you suggesting that America is serving the British Government? If you are, I may educate you to the fact that your government is "a mere reverberation" of the expressions of the Americans. You are crawling behind America to lap-up the crumbs. Take a look at the award of no-bid contracts. You got the "crumbs" but yet you expend your ill-gotten tax dollars in your Crusade for Oil.
"They don't represent me."
No? Who does? I suppose Americans, Germans, Israelis, Scots and others elected your Government. Blair may be an Alien from la-la land but who made him your criminal PM? Your government, at least until recently, had a higher percentage of Jewish representatives than the US government. Were they elected by the Zionists in Israel? You seem to be whoring for the hand of a "Noble" Iraqi woman. Isn't this what your colonialism has been doing for centuries? Except in those days you did not whore for them but instead you whored them; they were at your "beck and call." You fucked them at will. British wealth was built on the backs of their colonies and the people they enslaved and brutalized and from whom they stole everything they possess today, including the laundered Iraqi billions. Remember the Opium wars!!! This reference was recently made by Layla. It missed you, of course. Immediately after the triangular (quadrangular) Atlantic Slave Trade, you turned your entire focus to the East, colonized India with your forked tongues and brutalized China for "Your Divine Right" to sell them opium. Your Divine Right, according to the dictates of the King James Bible. Softly, softly. Today, London is a major center of money-laundering. Whose money? How many of the whores in the Iraqi government have their billions laundered and stashed in London? How many are living and shopping in London? How many are vested in your arms industry, which is a major supplier to the world of chaos, murder, rape, mayhem, etc.? How many Brits suck a livelihood from the arms industry? Do you know anything about the Salt March or the suppliers of the Birmingham Cloth Mills? The Atlantic Slave trade was so named to distinguish it from the other slave trades in which the Brits were vested. And you are sucking on the sales tax of purchases made by the non-resident Iraqi government.
"...I'm more than willing..."
Of course, for that which will never happen.
"You'll find that many English feel the same."
How sweet. “Feel” and “fuck” are both four letter words beginning with the letter “f.”. Where are they “feeling?” Between their legs? I wonder what they will “feel” if Layla stops blogging. I already fear the worst for Riverbend. She could have been my daughter. After how many more dead Iraqis? The British was THE most brutal of all the colonials and that behaviour exists today. F*** softly, softly. They are extremely primitive brutal animals. But that was their undoing. Today, the Indians are doctoring you, the Blacks and Philippinoes are nursing you, cleaning your filth and pushing your wheel-chairs and they are all colonizing you in the process. Ironic. Isn't it a “good thing” that you did not butcher them all? Too few bullets?
"Stop knocking the English..."
She did not grovel to your request. Mr. Maitreya, these are not your colonial times.
How touching. We don't suck from you for a pittance, not any longer. You are ready to f*** Iraqis some more. You remind me of Bremmer and the beautiful Iraqi woman he married. British women find ultimate pleasure in "not-sex" and British men find it in killing Iraqis.
"it is Scots, Yanks, and the German queen, who launched the war against Iraq..."
Seems you have colonized you own mind to such an extent that you are ignorant of your own history.
"Scots are such a dour lot. The only thing that makes them happy is whiskey, and if you go to Scotland the food is disgusting; best stick to eating at Chinese restaurants in Scotland :-)"
You sound like an empty bottle of Scotch, so pitiful. Of course we know “what” emptied the bottle. From your previous postings, I was of the opinion that you are an intelligent person. The intelligence which had possessed you has taken flight.
"Hey, I went to the land of the free..."
Your British buddies are killing Iraqis in the name of Operation Iraqi Freedom. What the fuck are you talking about "free?"
"..Vietnam Vet begging on the street..."
Take a close look at your vets from Iraq. Never mind, you don't know what "look" means.
"And they have their "Liberty Bell" locked up..."
How much of the world's history are locked-up in your museums, stolen by your British occupiers? Where are the contents of the looted Iraqi museums?
"Coming soon to a Museum near you, The Lootings from Iraq. Stay tuned, while "softly-softly" loot some more Iraqi artifacts.”
”in a bombproof container; hey baby, that's really free :-)”
You TB wasn't calling for a bombing halt on Lebanon, while the British electorate was huddled in bombproof containers in Israel, safe from Hizbullah's stone-age shells. Iraqis have no bombproof containers to protect themselves from your British fly-boys.
And you can get to choose 214 flavours of ice-cream. Now what kind of place is that? You only need coconut flavoured ice-cream…….ice-cream is supposed to be fun, not hard work…..
241 flavours, oh how I wish the children of Iraq could visit that store. Ice-cream was made for the joy of children. Keep sucking Maitreya.
No wonder they're all wall-to-wall fat. Yanks are stupid and ignorant, and I just love winding them up.
Now I understand who you are; you just made a statement of yourself and your kind. British women (and men) are no less shapely; each one can occupy all four sides of a 4'X4' table. Are you still LOLing? And do you also flush Qu'rans? You are such a pathetic, despicable, sick creature.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
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Hiya Loser,
What's it to you if I flirt with Layla? Butt-out and mind your own damn business. Do you think that YOU own her? She is quite capable of talking for herself.
And you don't need to tell me what London is; I already know.
Hey, and arsehole, you don't need to tell me about the Opium wars; what do you think all this shit in Afghanistan is all about?
And he is not my Tony Blair; I warned people not to trust that grinning twat. You need to listen to some John Lennon.
Who votes Labour? Who has been paying Labour's bills? Why everybody knows that; those "Asian businessmen".
Why would I flush Qu'rans? Why would I even read one? We are the other people, that god has nothing to do with me. It isn't Muslims who come knocking on my door telling me I have to fear god, and it isn't Jews either; it's Christians and I'm sicking of hearing their guilt-ridden BS.
(Genesis 1:26) The [Elohim] said, "Let us make humanity in our own image, in the likeness of ourselves, and let them be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven, the cattle, all the wild beasts and all the reptiles that crawl upon the earth." Elohim is a plural word, including male and female, and should properly be translated "Gods" or "Pantheon." (1: 27) The Gods created humanity in the image of
themselves, In the image of the Gods they created them, Male and female they created them. (1:28) The Gods blessed them, saying to them, "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it. Be masters of the fish of the sea, the birds of heaven and all living animals on the earth." Now clearly, here we are talking about the original creation of the human species: male and female. All the animals, plants, etc. have all been created in previous verses. This is before the Garden of Eden, and Yahweh is not mentioned as the creator of these people.
The next chapter talks about how Yahweh, an individual member of the Pantheon, goes about assembling his own special little botanical and zoological Garden in Eden, and making his own little man to inhabit it: (Gen 2:7) Yahweh God fashioned a man of dust from the soil. Then he breathed into his nostrils a breath of life, and thus the man became a living being. (2:8) Yahweh God planted a garden in Eden which is in the east, and there he put the man he had fashioned. (2:9) Yahweh God caused to spring up from the soil every kind of tree, enticing to look at and good to eat, with the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden. (2:15) Yahweh God took the man and settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and take care of it. Now this next is crucial: note Yahweh's precise words: (2:16) Then Yahweh God gave the man this admonition, "You may eat indeed of all the trees in the garden. (2:17) Nevertheless of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you are not to eat, for on the day you eat of it you shall most surely die." Fateful words, those. We will refer back to this admonition later. Then Yahweh decides to make a woman to go with the man. Now, don't forget that the Pantheon had earlier created a whole population of people, "male and female," who are presumably doing just fine somewhere "outside the gates of Eden." But this set-up in Eden is Yahweh's own little experiment, and will unfold to its own separate destiny. (2:21) So Yahweh God made the man fall into a deep sleep. And while he slept, he took one of his ribs and enclosed it in flesh. (2:22) Yahweh God built the rib he had taken from the man into a woman, and brought her to the man. Right. Man gives birth to woman. Sure he does. But that's the way the story is told here. (2:25) Now both of them were naked, the man and his wife, but they felt no shame in front of each other. Well, of course not! Why should they? But take careful note of those words, as they also will prove to be significant...Now this next part is where it starts to get interesting. Enter the Serpent: (Gen. 3:1) The serpent was the most subtle of all the wild beasts that Yahweh God had made. It asked the woman, "Did God really say you were not to eat from any of the trees in the garden?" (3:2) The woman answered the serpent, "We may eat the fruit of the trees in the garden. (3:3) "But of the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden God said, 'You must not eat it, nor touch it, under pain of death." (3:4) Then the serpent said to the woman, "No! You will not die! (3:5) "God knows in fact that on the day you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil." What a remarkable statement! "Your eyes will be opened and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil." The Serpent directly contradicts Yahweh. Obviously, one of them has to be lying.Which one, do you suppose? And, if the serpent speaks true, wouldn't you wish to eat of the magic fruit? Wouldn't it be a good thing, to become "like gods, knowing good and evil"? Or is it preferable to remain in ignorance?
Now don't you continue confusing "English" with "British". For example, Thomas Paine was an Englishman and he warned the Yanks what would happen if they trusted the British government.
And I have never bowed to that Queen my whole life long, but Dick Cheney has.
Oh yes, and so you are a Yankee, living in the land of the free. LMAO Why did people run away to live in the land of the free? Because they lacked the guts to fight for freedom in their own countries, or because they want to get rich quick. So why are you there? That country belongs to the Red Man. Oppressor! Give it back!
Now piss off and mind your own business. Layla is quite capable of handling herself. I respect her. I have no respect for you; you stole the Red Man's land.
Come on arsehole, did you play god and judge me, putting your interpretation, based upon your own inner desires, upon my actions?
Did not your god tell you not to judge?
Layla can take good care of herself; she just needs to see that she is a Goddess.
Now you, Monkey Boy, are dismissed. Keep your nose out of my business. I only talk to Goddesses.
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