Tuesday, August 28, 2007

D e c o n s t r u c t i n g O c c u p a t i o n 1 0 1

Layla: You’re moving too fast for me, but keep going. I am late with my posts but I hope you don’t mind me commenting on previous posts.

Destruction? If there is nothing to build then you must first destroy. Destruction and construction are mutually dependent – one implies the other. And the money – from the “saved” oil ministry, operating pipelines with broken meters and paying Halliburton the going Pentagon rates – US$2000000 for a shit house.

”…. colonialism still managed to build a road or two…”
Colonialism built for their purpose. The British Bullshit Conspiracy (BBC) thrives on stupid people. The BBC once asked for comments on the “English/British-built,” railway system in India. Everyone kissed the English/British ass in praise. I wrote that it was the Iron Horse of Oppression. In times of need, the Limeys (English troops) would commandeer it to move troops. So it was primarily a troop-train system. The BBC never published my comment, as well as subsequent ones.
The same was true for the Civil Service System. Find work for dumb white-boys, in senior positions.
On the Plantations, the senior staff, all white, is housed in metal-fenced compounds. In my youthful naivetĂ©, I figured it was to keep-out the dumb natives, but as I leant who were in those compounds, I realized that it was a cage to keep the dunces caged. None flew the Cuckoo’s Cage.

”….two towers crumbling….”
The Controlled-Demolition Salsa? Or the Indian dance in which you execute a controlled descent to the ground, with your shoulders, going almost to the ground, your legs, folded at the knees, under you. The difference? You will rise from that position; the towers couldn’t, despite all the “snake-charming” music of Giuliani’s fire engines.

”…3'000 dead…. people crying…”
Kleenex stock-jump…

Didn’t the Israelis arrive to set-up a soap factory? Thought they never miss a business opportunity. Not that the killing in Iraq or other places will stop, but money will be made on dead bodies. I suppose Caterpillar must be doing good business selling earth-moving equipment to excavate for mass graves. A 5000 pound bomb could do that, but the Cat will have to undo the hole. Capitalism seeks to make money on EVERYTHING.

”….tanks rolling…..running over a couple of civilians…”
Rachel Corrie manoeuvre, perfected by the Israelis, facilitated by Caterpillar, pirated by America.

”Having your schools, universities, libraries burned down and emptied”
The Dark Ages. Recovery facilitated by the Arabs. That was their undoing. Now the barbarians are in the gates. Some “better read” folks will understand what I am saying here. The “destructors” are not “edu-cash-ion-ed..” They wouldn’t know.

”….Turning your agricultural land that used to sustain you into poppy fields…. drugs traffickers…”
This was one of the purposes served by occupied India, to China’s detriment. The British are “growing” in Afghanistan. The Americans will not be out done by their poodle.

”Walking out of your doorstep and stumbling on rotting cadavers, immersed in pools of sewage and have your neighborhood turned into a junk yard…Having your loved ones kidnapped, abducted, tortured, mutilated, raped and dumped in some street.
I have no comment. I am on SICK leave.

”…riddled with disease, cancer….”
Good for big pharma. Soon they will be telling you that America's tap water will repair damaged DNA.

”…your archelogical sites….”
Un-educashion no need archi…(what). Reminder: The edu-cash-ion level for entry into US military has recently been reduced. Doan stress those boys with architecture. Pulling triggers are already very stressful. Stress is released by spinning bullets. Let’s hope they don’t spin them on the streets of the US. But that’s good business too.

….with yankee graffitis….
Lots of graffiti ghetto boys are in the military. All the walls of the US have been graffiti-ed. Go to Iraq and find some nice walls. Those boys are making home away from home.

….professional mourner…
Kleenex is opening shop. Paper hearts and boxed minds.

”Dismantling the State apparatus, the "local" army, sacking civil servants…”
It is called building the Resistance. Creating the distraction while “milking” the broken-meter oil pipelines.

Dividing your country, …….lines were non existent before…
Now you sell three sets of arms to them, (instead of one) providing jobs for the only significant manufacturing sector left in the US. If these folks don’t have jobs, they will be marching on The Fancy House on Pennsylvania Avenue. Also, it returns the oil money to Wall Street.

” forcing couples to divorce”
Layla, who keeps the children? I am certain that is another bad situation for them.

”Emptying your country's treasury of its wealth in billion of Dollars”
Kofi An-ant and his fatted son, breast sucking on the “Oil-for-Food” money.

”…making fraudulent contracts and stealing by every mean possible.”
This one is called the PP – Pentagon Price – where you get hammered for a $2000 hammer, screwed for a 15¢ screw and washered for a 19¢ washer. Somebody has to pay.

…witnessing your smelly shits, squatting the palaces of the legitimate President that you slaughtered
Moral? Don’t build palaces. It attracts ghetto fleas, ghetto flies, ghetto rats, black-house weasels,… Do you get my stench? Okay!!

...So forgive me, Iraq,
Forgive them not, for the un-edu-cash-ioned, must have palaces in Iraq, and sleep on side-walks in DC and NYC – homeless vets, but they will keep coming to Iraq and side-walk.
Forgive them not, for they know not where they will sleep tomorrow. I am sure Saddam would have been willing to cashed (financed) their education.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

American-travel to Cuba

Hi Layla:
Restrictions on American-travel to Cuba was imposed, or re-imposed, by the current uncounted (Bush) regime However, it was recently in the news, of Cuban-trained American doctors returning to the US to work. One of my students told me he is planning to study medicine in Cuba. I cannot tell you under what condition(s) they are able to study in Cuba. Perhaps the restrictions are only on tourists. Also, I cannot imagine that US pharma reps are not visiting Cuba for business purposes.

In addition, the students must still take and pass the USMLE (US Medical Licensing Exams).

The score for US trained students is lower than that for others. So a higher score is expected of a Cuban-trained doctor.

One of my daughters (US trained) expects to take her USMLE in a few months and I may get additional information from her. As I had mentioned earlier, her husband is also a doctor, and I say with regret, he is in the US Navy. He has been posted to Iraq at least twice. At his wedding reception, he declared that he is willing to die for two things, his country and my daughter. I wonder, for what is he willing to kill? Incidentally, he is of Trinidadian parentage, Indian descent. I don’t know how he reconciles killing people with saving people. His Hippocratic oath?

O n e H o t T h a n g T o O n e H o t S a l s a.

Layla, From That Oriental Thang to Moving Sands, common theme?

I'd rather do Kama Sutra. I was born with it. Nothing to learn. See, easy!!

Oh for Cuba, Castro and Che:
During the Dark Ages (Cold War days) the US accused every friend of a communist country of being communist. The Communists are coming!!! In trading with the communist, you don't Salsa with Wall Street, and that is dangerous to you political health. The US (and their British poodle, when necessary) undermined and leveraged ever “communist” democratically elected government, out of “power.

Cuba traded with its friends on terms akin to barter, and hence the trade was fairer and more balanced. The US tried to isolate Cuba by victimizing those who dare to Salsa with Castro.

Currently, the Cubans have thousands of Medical doctors serving the Venezuelan government. Also, they are training several thousands from around the world. Students from the US attend medical school in Cuba, at no cost. The only condition is that they return and work in a “poor” area of the US.

Bolton, who wants to WMD the UN, accused Cuba of developing WMD, after it was announced that clinical trials of Cuba-developed drugs were about to begin in the US. Of course, it was WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction of cancer cells.

That Bolt-on had something bolted-off, his brains. Lend the man an SAE “wench.” And screw him on for it. (No correction necessary - I pass myself)

Cuba has a well developed Biotechnology Industry and cooperates with several countries in this area.

The US pharmaceutical companies would experience withdrawal symptoms if denied its "drug" of parasitizing the consumers, especially since there are few new drugs “in the US pharmaceutical pipeline.” So they have to be co-conspirators in the development and FDA approval of Cuban WMD. I suppose Wall Street will have to salsa to the dictates of the US pharma companies.

Now onto development of a gene-specific, fast-acting, spray Salsa (sauce). It will express those genes which will cause AWTD* to self-destruct, (shrivel and shed) upon contact. Leave it the dogs will get it. Now you can be hung from only one head.
*American Weapons of “Tight-space” Destruction ((AWTD).

Cuba survived despite numerous US attempts to depose its leader and repossess it, for the Mafia, as their crime den.

Had Che succeeded, Latin America would have been a paradise. The constant onslaught of the US on Communism necessitated that the communist countries divert resources to counter the US threat.

One, so-accused country, introduced free secondary (High-School) education, built several secondary schools, established a university, placed a nurse and a dispenser in almost every village, developed and distributed vast areas of agricultural land, at little cost to the farmers (the farmers profited from the produce but the govt. retained ownership of the land, to prevent its sale), enabled the ownership of low cost, newly built houses and other projects too numerous to mention. The education system was the envy of the region.

A dispenser is a pharmacist – who diagnoses illness, dispenses medicines and performs simple medical procedures. The number of doctors was few and were all trained, at great expense, in the US or UK.

This development benefited all races which chose to participate. The “opposition races,” did the dirty work, on the dictates of their masters, the CIA, and MI5/6. The CIA supplied the list of “the communists” to the then colonial power. This led to numerous arrests. These actions had started in the early, “50’s (or possibly late ‘40’s), with Churchill imprisoning the leader of the Communist Party. Several of my uncles were imprisoned. There were strikes, demonstrations, lootings and burning of buildings and assault on the “communist” race. Assaults on women were the desired way to humiliate the other race. These thugs were at the beck and call of the CIA. The CIA’s bombing of a passenger-launch caused the death of several of the opposition race. This led to the unleashing of mass violence on the race supporting the government. The number of those murdered is unknown. An investigation was never held.

The violence brought the violent British, softly, softly, and the fucking started. All, the “tight places” were fair game. One of my teachers married a British gun-man; the local men were not good; too smart, too black (hair), too “born with a tan.” Knew too much Math, Science and other disciplines of enormous consequence. Don’t blame the woman, the natives had no guns so they cultivated “brains.” Have guns shall cultivate death. She was prepared to nest(le) under a dumb gun-man, all guns drawn. The White gun-man, uneducated dumb British/English, man of choice, "bestest" man at the show.

They spread their wings and flew to the “English” country.

The poor dumb kid had only enough brains to pull a trigger, and hence was not aware that his mother was an outlaw. So he presented his wife to her mother-out-law and the relation ship was promptly outlawed. What else, the lady is an Outlaw, not unlike shrub, Chain-y, Lice, TB and the newly minted poodle GB (Gordon “Black,” I meant Brown). What an aggregation!!

After she was dumped, by her mother-out-law, she followed the falling stars back home and I had my teacher back. And everybody lived happily ever after. And I was happy. Story end book closed. And I went to sleep with a smile.

Now back to serious:
Wall Street was walled out from our development. We did not grovel to anyone for a single penny.

US and British tax payers financed the (CIA/MI5/6)’s “pussy-walk” operations. US taxpayers paid, we died. Why "pussy-walk?" "FirePower" accords themsleves that divine right." Visit my 2004 creation of my Global Injustice blog and read about my early writing on "Firepower."

The election accounting process was changed and the “communist” was deposed. The old slaves were re-slaved by the old slave masters (colonized minds never die), serving the dictates of the CIA and MI5/6.

The violence makers were to be rewarded. The CIA “funneled” money to the AFLCIO who “funneled” it to the local TUV (Trade Unions of Violence). (Funnel collection was never a hobby then, or I would have been funnel-wealthy) This was to fund the construction of their houses. All the houses were awarded to the strikers and violence perpetrators. They were all of one race. The houses were priced at 5 times that for which the communist provided houses.
Capitalism at screw. All the tight places were now loose places. Everything began to "fall apart" and the country became the most (per Capita) heavily indebted country in the world and one of the poorest on this side of the moat.
The rest is history but the government has changed again and the parties are vying for the Cup of Sucking Power, to be awarded by The Bush in the Castle.

O n e H o t T h a n g t o O n e H o t S a l s a.

Wow, from One Hot Thang to One Hot Salsa.

Oh for Cuba, Castro and Che:
During the Dark Ages (Cold War days) the US accused every friend of a communist country of being communist. The Communists are coming!!! In trading with the communist, you don't Salsa with Wall Street, and that is dangerous to you political health. The US (and their British poodle, when necessary) undermined and leveraged ever “communist” democratically elected government, out of “power.

Cuba traded with its friends on terms akin to barter, and hence the trade was fairer and more balanced. The US tried to isolate Cuba by victimizing those who dare to Salsa with Castro.
Currently, the Cubans have thousands of Medical doctors serving the Venezuelan government. Also, they are training several thousands from around the world. Students from the US attend medical school in Cuba, at no cost. The only condition is that they return and work in a “poor” area of the US.
Bolton, who wants to WMD the UN, accused Cuba of developing WMD, after it was announced that clinical trials of Cuba-developed drugs were about to begin in the US. Of course, it was WMD, weapons of mass destruction of cancer cells.
That Bolt-on had something Bolted-off, his brains. Lend the man an SAE “wench.” And screw him on for it.
Cuba has a well developed Biotechnology Industry and cooperates with several countries in this area.
The US pharmaceutical companies cannot afford to be excluded from the parasitic practice of “gouging” the consumers, especially since there are few new drugs “in the US pharmaceutical pipeline.” So they have to be co-conspirators in the development of Cuban WMD. I suppose Wall Street will have to salsa with whatever the US pharma ask them to suck.
Now onto development of a gene-specific, fast-acting, spray Salsa (sauce). It will express those genes which will cause AWTD* to self-destruct, (shrivel and shed) upon contact.
*American Weapons of “Tight-space” Destruction ((WTD).
Cuba survived despite numerous US attempts to depose its leader and repossess it, for the Mafia, as their crime den.
Had Che succeeded, Latin America would have been a paradise. The constant onslaught of the US on Communism necessitated that the communist countries divert resources to counter the US threat.
One, so-accused country, in South America, introduced free secondary (High-School) education, built several secondary schools, established a university, placed a nurse and a dispenser in almost every village, developed vast areas of land for agricultural purposes, enabled the ownership of low cost, newly built houses and other projects too numerous to mention. The education system was the envy of the region. It carried the highest standard.
A dispenser is a pharmacist – who diagnosed illness, dispensed medicines and performed simple medical procedures. The number of doctors was few and were all trained, at great expense, in the US or UK.
This development benefited all races which chose to participate. The “opposition races,” did the dirty work, on the dictates of their masters, the CIA, and MI5/6. The CIA supplied the list of “the communists” to the then colonial power. This led to numerous arrests. These actions had started in the early, “50’s (or possibly late ‘40’s), with Churchill imprisoning the leader of the Communist Party. Several of my uncles were imprisoned. There were strikes, demonstrations, lootings and burning of buildings and assault on the “communist” race. Assaults on women were the desired way to demonstrate the “animal instincts” of those who were at the beck and call of the CIA. The CIA’s bombing of a launch caused the death of several of the opposition race. This led to the unleashing of mass violence on the race supporting the government. The number of those murdered is unknown. An investigation was never held.

The violence brought the violent British, softly, softly, and the fucking started. All, the “tight places” were fair game. One of my teachers married a British gun-man; the local men were not good; too smart, too black (hair), too “born with a tan.” Knew too much Math, Science and other disciplines of enormous consequence. Don’t blame the woman, the natives had no guns so they cultivated “brains.” Have guns shall cultivate death. She was prepared to nestle under a dumb gun-man, all guns drawn. The White gun-man, uneducated dumb British/English, man of choice, bestest man at the show.

They spread their wings and flew to the “English” country.

The poor dumb kid had only enough brains to pull a trigger, and hence was not aware that his mother was an outlaw. So he presented his wife to his mother-out-law and the relation ship was promptly outlawed. What else, the lady is an Outlaw, not unlike Bush, Cheney, TB and the newly minted poodle GB (Gordon “Black,” I meant Brown)

After she was dumped, by her mother-out-law, she followed the falling stars back home and I had my teacher back. And everybody lived happily after. And I was happy. Story end book closed. And I went to sleep with a smile.

Now back to serious:
Wall Street was walled out from our development. We did not grovel to anyone for a single penny.
US and British tax payers financed the (CIA/MI5/6)’s “pussy-walk” operations. US taxpayers paid, we died.

The election accounting process was changed and the “communist” was deposed. The old slaves became the new slaves, serving the dictates of the CIA and MI5/6. The violence makers were to be rewarded. The CIA “funneled” money to the AFLCIO who “funneled” it to the local TUV (Trade Unions of Violence). This was to fund the construction of their houses. All the houses were awarded to the strikers and violence perpetrators. They were all of one race. The houses were priced at 5 times that for which the communist provided houses. Capitalism at screw. All the tight places were now loose places. Everything began to decline and the country became the most (per Capita) heavily indebted country in the world and one of the poorest on this side of the moat.
The rest is history but the government has changed again and the parties are vying for the Cup of Sucking Power, to be awarded by The Bush in the Castle.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

H o p e s F o r R e c o v e r y

Mr. Maitreya:
I hope you recover soon.
I wish I can find the time to keep "ticking you off," Mr. Geophysicist, you sick man.
Fall semester starts on Monday, and I will be serving my students rather than entertaining you.
I have you trapped into reading my blog. Return soon and happy reading.
Goodluck, Sir

O n c e I n

A tiny guillotine to fit in “those tight spots.”
It will be named “ONCE IN”

Honour Intact.

A “nicely” erected one, engorged with blood, under pressure, will eject its remnants.

Once in, cannot go in again.

The Ones We Did Not Kill

The ones we didn't kill had all the reasons in the world to become terrorists themselves.
Suicide bomber? The Western mind can neither explain nor comprehend it. Nothing for which to live. Nothing, absolutely. Remove all reason for my existence and we will “cease” together. Western emotions exist only in The Department of Psychology and cease to exist when the textbooks are closed. The mind of The Suicide Bomber will fill and overflow the entire landmass.

"Iraqi Democrat: Resistance DJ said...”A lesson for all Iraqi women, learn the words "Fuck you!"”"
Perfectly said! And then some. No fucking softly, softly here.

”My grandmother (dead long ago now) used to mention how the Indian troops…”
The “mastered” emulating the masters? The conquered adopting the ways of the conquerors, to defeat the conquerors, and they become the “New Massa”? If yes, then the “raison d'ĂȘtre” becomes obliterated. Let the swords be lowered. The actions of the Indian army in Mesopotamia, during WWI, explain their inability to kick the British out of India. The division created by the British in India was well studied by the Americans and applied to every corner of the globe.
My Grandmother was sold into “indentureship” (slavery) by her village leader/elder. She was ripped from her family. Never saw her son or husband again. She was “sold” to the British.

We've always interfered in the middle east. Never has there been a time when the west hasn't. And it is always the west which has benefitted.
Not only the ME, but every corner of the Globe. Nothing has changed from the days of “discovery.” The days when the colonials sailed the world to discover themselves. They did not discover anyone or anything. The development of the West can be traced to the injustice they visited on the powerless. The British, having nothing to trade in exchange for Chinese silk, blasted open the “Opium doors.” Was the opium grown in India? Today, the crop in Afghanistan is grown and traded under their noses; in the region which they protect, softly, softly.

A few years ago, the US FBI/Customs intercepted a Pakistani, with a briefcase, entering the US from Canada. The claim was that he is a terrorist and they had prior knowledge of his movements. Protecting the border could intercept a single individual, but cannot intercept tons of “drugs.” Rather interesting. The general perception is the US government is complicit in the drug trade. And we are fighting “terrorists?” This criminal country thrives on crime, local or other wise. It’s all a ploy to transfer the tax-payers money to Halliburton et al.

Want to “mug” the American people, call a War. The powerless pay for it, the powerless die in it, and Halliburton festers on it.

The “failed oilman,” Bush, has redeemed his reputation. The Christian Science Monitor carried some interesting articles on corruption with respect to the oil money, including the oil-for-food 4Billion transferred to The CPA, by the UN. And that was insignificant, when compared with what followed. And we made “big news” of Saddam’s son(s) trying to transfer 750 million (0.75 Billion).

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Reply to Maitreya 07-08-24

Mr. Maitreya:
I am receiving an apt lesson about you. Don’t stop.

I am certain you can “see” that I did not delete your posts and I owe you no explanation. Most people could arrive at another conclusion. Shallow?

I am not a Yankee, but whatever “floats your boat.”

I don’t live in New York. I am certain you failed Logic, miserably, or was it Discrete Mathematics?

Mr. Maitreya, if all the English have your negative IQ, our colonization of you will be a "cake Walk," and the Iraqis would attend by default. to piss in your face. No they wouldn't. They are a compassionate people. Only the White Colonizing dunces know no different, and your writings certainly indicates the extent to which you are a dunce.

Remember, Your Worshit Maitreya, all the colonies you victimized are riding your ass today. Tomorrow, I hope Iraq will join the line. Good luck. I really mean it. Like your TB's claim that there is no medical evidence that says DU causes any significant harm. "Significance", Your Lordshit Maitreya? Did one of your colonizers do the Statistical Analysis? See, they can feed you your own shit and you think you are in some Chinese restaurant up North.

Mr. Maitreya, have you ever written or read a scholarly, peer reviewed, article, written in The “Quirk in Buckingham Palace’s” English.

While you are hey, hey, heying, modify it slightly and you will have Hay, Hay, a jackass braying for some North Korean grass.

The URL's beyond this point are those you have extensively Plagiarized

“Revolutionary Guards Commander Yayha Rahim Safavi…..”

As per you claim that you are fighting for your land:
If you have fought and are fighting for your land, how do you account for your other claim that “the Germans, Jews, American, Scots etc.” are in control of your land?


”they're only "blacks" aren't they”
“they're only “blacks”" The race, among others, whom you enslaved to build your Empire. TB was commenting on the need to focus more attention on Africa. Meaning – we want to help. You Royally fucked them, for centuries and remember, “Pale Faces Speak with Forked Tongues.”

“…your nation declared war on…”
And yours, softly, softly?

“Now piss-off little boy.”
You lost me, how do you do that?

“I wonder why you had to bring up your daughters on your own; wouldn't any woman put up with you?”
Shouldn’t you leave that to a woman? Maybe another man will entertain you.

White women are no good for you? Are you a reject? Mr. Maitreya, the only People, of whom I was aware, that wants to marry someone from a race other than their own, were predominantly Blacks, now it is you. Ashamed of your race Mr. Maitreya, your genes? I am proud of mine. Your genes are too “dunce,” as you have demonstrated? We know that the Asian genes are colonizing you, and you seem to desire only Asian woman. Might there be a connection, Mr. Maitreya? Your Sun God may assist you here.

Asian women must be very desperate to marry “Your White Shit.”

I give you another reason. After Your TB has “Depleted Uraniumed” them, one of the few places to which they can run is The United Kingdom. Poison the water and the fishing becomes “a cake walk.” Remember The Cake Walk “War.” How “intellectual?”

“you Yankees are gutless cowards, who ran away from your own countries”
Which one? Again, Mr. Maitreya, The Pilgrims? And Jamestown?
I find it rather interesting that The People whom you desperately need, you characterized as "ran away from your own countries." You will die faster, without them.

Who had made the most accurate estimate of the size of the world at the time Columbus set sail? (may I suggest you try Arabs?) That figure was also inaccurate, so when he arrived he called the people Indians, clueless that he was not in India. Your racist term “the red man's,” would explain “Pale Faces Speak with Forked Tongues,” and your “Cake Walk, Small Pox War.”

May I educate you to the fact that Portugal and Spain “pioneered” the search for people to “fuck-up,” not unlike your search for an Asian woman, on whom you have similar designs?

Keep searching, some desperate woman will come groveling.

The English, initially using English pirates, butchered, slaughtered and stole the “new findings” and voila! The Empire on Which the Sun Never Sets? How pathetic? How many precious stones, chiseled-out (stolen) from the Taj Mahal, by your English Dunces (soldiers), adorn your Quirk in Buckingham Palace (BP)?

Thanksgiving in America, Mr. Maitreya? After being saved from certain death, by the Natives, the Palefaces (“White Englishmen”) set about slaughtering them, as they are doing in Iraq. Anyone for Thanksgiving Turkey?

“Hey come on Yankee, why do you swear so much?”
It’s the Queen’s English. That simple fact missed you. Mr. Maitreya, when you have or “know” something it is because “It” found you. But sometimes nothing wants to find you. I hope and pray that some “stupid” Asian woman would. And if she is Muslim? How many Sajdas will you accomplish? The first Rakaat, first Sajda will entail the service of a fork lift.

Are you licensed to drive that wheelchair, Your Higherness? An Asian woman (Filipino nurse) is on the way, hang in there. But don’t hang yourself before you have learnt the Queen’s English.

“And why is it that you Yankees can't take care of your own?”
Broken record? Fighting for your own English country?

“don't see the difference between British and English”
And you were deposited on which side of the chasm, Mr. Maitreya?
Do you have any understanding of what you just wrote? Having problems with the Quirk’s English, Sir Maitreya.

“I am just an unwilling subject of a ruthless monarch”
Are you a subject, I am reading a predicate. You know, come as the asses end.
To what are you subjected, the insatiable desire for an Asian woman? White shit no good?
Let’s hear about your fight for your land, again?

“By the way, I am sick of you Yankees using MY language.”
It’s called the Queen’s English and both you and the British Bullshit Conspiracy (BBC) need to learn it. It came with the Pilgrims and Jamestown. The BBC, your mouthpiece, which gets its “numbers” from the US High Command. Well, numbers came from where, The Arabs, Bharat? Does that explain why they are the Mathematicians in your schools today? Not to mention your Scientists. Saddam’s education system would have put your Oxford and Cambridge to shame. But then maybe not. Considering that those institutions are overflowing with Asians. The Whiteman can no longer carry any standard. I pray you find a “purifier” of your genes.

“And once again you condescending bastard, what gives you the right to be sticking your nose into what I say to a GODDESS?”
In which event, shouldn’t you send her a personal e-mail? I guess you wouldn’t dare.

“A Forgotten Holocaust: US Bombing Strategy, the Destruction of Japanese Cities and the American Way of War from the Pacific War to Iraq” Plagiarized from

And who was their “Partner in Crime?” Now tread softly, softly on this one.

“he is not my Tony Blair; I warned people not to trust that grinning twat.”
When will you start the fight for “your land?” Whom did you call a coward? Dictionary.com would be your saviour. You can screw with it until some hapless woman happen by.

“You don't want to fuck with me,”
Certainly not. In what other unnatural acts are you engaged?
Mr. Maitreya, is it true that Venereal Disease was first contracted by White women fucking their dogs? They sleep with their dog in their beds!

“Why are you in the red man's land?”
This is where the Pilgrims and Jamestownians make WMD. I love WMD.
In addition, Pale Faces Speak With Forked Tongues as said by “the red man”. Those pale faces came in Tall Ships, from TB town? No, it was Small Pox town?

Plagiarized from:

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

T h e R e s o l v i n g R u b i k's C u b e

”…hang on a moment Masters. "We" did nothing. You and your parents ran away from your own country, and Britain…”
The Balfour Declaration of 1917? And you did nothing? Today you are dismembering Iraq as per the dictates of your Zion masters.

”was fighting that war, alone
You are so shallow and ignorant. The largest volunteer army in WWII was the Indian army. That army stopped the Japs from terminating your subjugation of India and obliterating your Asian presence. Wouldn't that have been nice, the annihilation of a colonial army? You can't run from Basra fast enough. This was done on the understanding that the Brits would grant independence to India, after the war. You had no choice; they would have kicked your white ass out had you not agreed. The sad part is the operations of the Indian Army in Mesopotamia. The oppressed oppressing the oppressed

”..for several years until the Japs bombed Pearl Harbour.
Bullshit. The Americans were supplying massive amounts of arms to you. These were the shipments being hounded by the German U-Boats.
Have you ever heard of the Russians? When did they enter the War? And don’t forget the Indians. Too much for you, "pretty blue eyes" and Blond Hair" Nazi. You claimed that the Germans......now you betray your ancestry.

”are just "passive-aggressives" and America is full of them."
Really? The passives are called Bush's Poodle and history has instructed us about their brutality. Softly, softly.

"What are Americans, Layla? They are the gutless cowards"
Who is retreating from Basra, in defeat? Am I happy? Watch me crying. And who is in "control" of the opium-growing regions of Afghanistan?

"they got themselves a big military",
The Saudis gave you yours.

"Yanks haven't ever actually won a war in the past 100 years.
You are so stupid.

"they can live on grass"
The Irish and Indian famine, Mr. Maitreya? That explains the size of the Brits. Never mind about the people who are powering their Science and Technology sectors. The fat has invaded their hollow cavities and it explains why you have "guts," while Americans are gutless. No more hope for Mr. Brain.

"Don't ever let anybody tread on you. You're a Goddess."
Spread some coconut ice-cream on the floor and you will be licking her every footstep.

Mr. Maitreya:
Are you hoping for an Arab woman, to do belly-dances for you? If so, may I suggest that you try one of those cube-shaped British women. She will perform, not unlike a Rubik’s cube trying to resolve itself into a solution.

You write so much trash, displaying the depth of your ignorance.

Getting Hammered or Getting Screwed

”Yes, they are buying America weapons…walmart version.”
Buying the Any-Mart version creates jobs for Americans, and they are ripped-off in the process. Weapons become obsolete. Palaces age with grace and create resting places for those tired American killers. Killing can be really tiring. I know, that was my vocation in my last Janam (life). Raping must be more relaxing. At least that can be done in the luxury of the palatial beds. Sick MFers.

” trained to fight and survive in outdoor, harsh conditions.”
Wow, they survive in harsh conditions. The one million collaterally damaged are surviving in Mass graves.

”The fact that they chose to stay in a palace instead of being in the dirt is silly.”
True. Silly=War-fighters. Never had brains for anything else.

“re-mapping of the Middle East has been in the works for some time.”
Most definitely, but we needed a rallying force, a raison d'etre, to set it in motion, and we had it. Those Arab fly-boys discovered a wonderful MCD (Mode of Controlled Demolition). You have to give it to them. They were so brilliant. Was it Atta who also devised The Winged-Passport? He was on an internal flight, traveling with his passport, just in the event that he might have wanted to buy some “Chanel” in Paris. And after he executed the “Controlled Demolition Manoeuvre,” the Passport said, “Too hot, I’m outta here,” took flight, and landed a few blocks away, so that it could observe the fireworks. Have fireworks cannot “pass port.”

“As for China- Don’t get me started with the trade laws”
No Maam. Bush said that outsourcing jobs is good for the economy. Incidentally, America would be a sitting “fuck” if we have free trade, subsidized farm products not withstanding. Do you know why? That class if offered next semester. Register early. It is usually over-registered.
Ask the cotton farmers in Africa about American-subsidized cotton. After WWII, the Yen was devalued to the point where America could have bought the entire country and all the comfort girls, for life. I wonder why they didn’t. It is wonderful when the exchange rate virtually enslaves the primitives. Americans can spend a pittance on their vacation and throw some peanuts at the scums in the zoo, before departure. Today, America complains about the artificial exchange rate of the Yuan. They are giving it to you for cheap. And Any-Mart opens wide. Big boxes cannot exist without low-cost China. Toyota now outsells GM, and covers the planet. Remember “The Alamoooooooo”, and when you are at the “rememberings,” check-out Commodore Perry.
Be WARNED, this is a US military site, “Tenth World” reading skill is a pre-requisite for comprehension. Enter at your own risk.

“We give China way too much of our industry”
No, you didn’t give them anything. It is called Capitalism, the primary reason for the slaughter being visited on Iraq.
”and get little in return.”
Were you really expecting something? You have All-Kinda-Mart with Martha Stuart’s Red Box thrown in, for free. Free is so GOOD!!!

”If America tanks…China…Israel, Egypt…relying on American money will tank too.”
America is doing a lot of Tanking, Bradleying, M16ing, white-phosphorusing, Apacheeing, Black-hawking, fucking (the Iraqi people) and can’t figure why they are in so much “shitting.” Wars have “unempired” every Empire in history. The carnage in India, at partition, was a creation of the dis-empired British. You will read that in the “not-Western” history books. Western constricted mentality would not entertain passage of such convoluted history.
If America tanks, Al Qaeda will also tank, in the opposite direction. Should that make us all “think” and worry?

”Everyone knows Bush is an idiot”
He’s my very own President. I cannot write without him.
Jesse “The Body” Ventura, beat him to it. America is scraping the bottom of the barrel for their leaders. They have none. Check-out Condolence Lice. Expert at what…?
I just read that this is exactly why Ron Paul cannot win. Americans want idiots in all the houses and they are getting it, fast and deep. Hilarious Clintoris is rising fast. Wait until she climaxes, all hell'ary will break lose. After the Dick of a Cheney, “He”llary is the most dangerous person on this planet. I haven’t checked the other planets. He’llary will roll all stones, and balls, to out-he the hees (“he” plural). Please Allah, save Iraq from more of this madness. I need Layla to make my “creative madness” genes express. Keep her safe. Please send “Hell’ary to Russia. They have huge missiles at the ready. Those missiles can outperform any Male’inca Lewinski.
Two years ago, I took a graduate course in Reading. The dept-chair was intrigued by my writing style, but complained that I often wander from the topic. That’s because I cannot let the fun pass me by. I must detour and enjoy. And fun comes in more than 214 flavours. British Coconut-flavor would not suffice. Global warming must have coconuts growing on the banks of the Thames.
We often confuse “smart” with dishonest. Does anyone recall that, in Hillary’s run for the Senate, she was accused of having designs on the Presidency. She claimed that she had no such designs (she is not using the Senate as a stepping stone to the White House)? No one has called her on that lie. This is the American Government. Hold steady, she is “cuming.”

”It’s been going on for a while.”
I have written previously, that every America President, from the Spanish-American war to today, including Peanuts Carter, is a war criminal. Today, Americans are experiencing what they have visited on the world for decades. Ignorance is not an excuse when people are being killed in name of the Malaria Vaccine. (That’s another story). When they came for me……all the Iraqis were dead and so my writing genes lost expression.

Come on..they replaced the $20,000 hammers 15 years ago. It’s called inflation!
New screw, same semen. What can I say, if you are not getting hammered, you are getting screwed, and before you can recover from the excitement, you are being washered.

”McDonald workers—Visa’s--Education ….It’s all a shell game.”
I have been in education, as a teacher, since I was 17. When I came to the US as a student, from Canada, where I was a student, I realized that one of the “wonderful” things was a “Henry Ford” like assembly-line education system. It was, and still is, not designed to educate, but to subjugate.

“It’s damn near impossible to get a license for a handgun”
Because some Americans have this habit of pointing their hand guns at our dear Presidents. Kennedy was unfortunate. But then you don’t mess with the…..who is that…?
I don’t have a position on gun ownership, but if every student on a campus could have a gun on Campus, then there will be more killings and then everyone will be carring one, resulting in even more killings. I know, you will say that country folks are surrounded by guns and the madness that is Iraq does not happen. Country folks don’t encounter the tensions which are prevalent when many people occupy a small space. In Thailand, (I think) it was found that people on farms had a high incidence of death by suicide. Reasons: 1) Agricultural poisons are readily available 2) Medical attention is not nearby.
Acting on impulse is facilitated by the ready availability of the means. If they have to travel or wait for the means, they will reconsider. Again, I don’t have a position on gun ownership.

“….that police response should be fired!”
In NYC, the police are referred to as New York’s Finest. They are well paid, undereducated and we are supposed to be grateful for their protection. When someone shoots a police, that person will soon be dead or crippled in prison. In addition a $10 000 bounty is on the shooter’s head. When one of us gets shot, we are not worthy of a bounty. The lives of police are paramount. We are only “raqis.” Very ironic.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Lady said...
"spent their riches on building their own technology, instead of palaces"
Lady, they are spending their riches buying American weapons and creating jobs for Americans. The Saudi interest assembled the technology for AWACS.

Had Saddam not built Palaces, where would the American military have billeted? Isn't it interesting how the Americans demonizes and criticizes the extravagance but when they arrive they usurp these at their leisure for their pleasure? Saddam built an excellent medical system. The Americans bombed the hospitals and commandeered those which they chose not to bomb. Not unlike the action of the Israelis in the occupied territories. My son-in-law is a, born-in-America, medical doctor. He may be a great doctor or war-fighter but with intent to kill, I cannot condone his actions. He said he will die for the country (the US) and my daughter. He never answered my question, “Why aren’t you at the front-line?” No-brainer? That’s the man, no brainer. The Hippocratic Oath or the Hypocritic Oath?
Sorry, Layla. You make and raise your children but you know not why they choose, killers.

The American economy is doomed to manufacture weapons, almost exclusively, since almost its entire non-military manufacturing has migrated to China, a communist country with Most Favored Nation (MFN) status. Sino warming? Then they must sell those weapons, to both sides of the conflict, hence creating conflicts makes the difference between Life and Death for the American economy. It’s about oil and I will return to that in another post. I know Layla does not agree.

After Iraq is dismembered (fucked-up, by the American lexicon), each new (American Satellite) country will make massive ams purchases from America. Oil (after the parasites have imbibed) will be exchanged for that enviable Commodity of Ass Destruction (CAD), weapons. Providing jobs for Americans will prevent them from taking to the streets to "dethrone" the Royal government. Compare Great British and France. Royalty still exists in Great Britain but not in France. How sad. No more, “I take this land in the name of the Quirk in Buckingham Palace.”

After Technology jobs have ferreted-out all the Indian students it can find, in the US, the remaining ones (jobs) are beamed over (outsourced) to Bangalore, where the smart people live. So, we now know one of the places where the dumb don’t live. And another place where they do. Quiz tomorrow.

A few years ago, I commented to an official at the local job-office that the local University was funding the education of the foreign students, while Americans (my children included) must fund themselves. He said, “That’s where we get our brains from.” He made that statement on behalf of himself and almost every American.

The quality and standard of life in pre-invasion Iraq did not induce an addiction for the decadent West. “Sorry Brits, this is Iraq and your China days ended...(large number)...years ago.” (Sir, Your Madesty, Your Royal Higherness, Maitreya, are you tuned-in?) That was their undoing. How dare them to not suck and grovel, at our embassy, for a Visa. And then suck and grovel upon arrival.

Microsoft recently made a decision to open a facility in Canada, and not the US. Reason? Workers (predominantly Indians) cannot obtain visas to work in the US.

In order to show that there is an increase in manufacturing jobs, The Bush Government counted MacDonald’s jobs among manufacturing jobs. When asked why, the response was, “They make things, don’t they?” Americans are being wonderfully manu-fuck-tured by their Government. Students, please repeat after me: manu-fuck-tured, manu-fuck-tured, manu-fuck-tured.

Americans are so blind. Bush claimed that outsourcing jobs is good for the Economy. President Bush hasn’t understood, doesn’t and never will, understand how the GDP is concocted. Yes, it is a concoction, infused with British Opium. China is no longer buying.

Why did the British government stop the investigation of BAE?
"The British investigators were ruffling feathers. They had reportedly gained access to a number of Swiss bank accounts.
The Saudis made it clear to the British government: Call off the corruption inquiry or you won't get the next big contract to supply $12 billion worth of fighter planes
The Government's decision however has probably saved 5,000 British jobs."

BAE has kept up to 5,000 expatriate technicians and pilots in Saudi Arabia over the last two decades, in heavily guarded compounds at Riyadh, Dharan, Khamis Mushayt and Tabuk. An entire MoD department in London, with up to 700 staff, has administered the government-to-government programmes. With annual revenue of up to £2bn, the Saudi programmes have provided BAE with 12-25% of its profits and kept the company afloat. Here is the link to The Guardian Article
The number of jobs actually involved is much larger than 5000. And the the spin-off economy? Think about it. This would be one reason for the dismemberment of Iraq, by that TuBerculosis. The creation of another Saudi Arabia, subservient to the drug-pushing and money laundering Brits and jobs for those shapely British cubes (people). In another post I will comment on the Multinational Corporations and local government. Recall: TB volunteering to operate the Iraqi oil fields in the interest of Iraq and use the money to develop Iraq. Softly, Softly.

Working Brits=Means of Ass Destruction -MAD (Maitreya, listen up)
The more practice the white fly boys have, the greater the destruction and the greater the need for no-bid reconstruction contractors.

"Second-All Iraqi's may be against the resistance NOW; they weren't in 2003 when it started."
Really? All Iraqis are against the resistance?

Hmmmm....I'll sleep on that one.
And while you’re at it, sleep on this one also
"Pentagon Paid $998798 to Ship Two 19-Cent Washers"
And this does not account for all the purchases the twin sisters had made. Could it be that they also shipped some lit light bulbs?

he's black no one argues the point…... If he were any other race, he would've been fired years ago!
I agree, totally, absolutely and completely.
Now, comment on the failed and closed Black bank in Harlem and the bailed-out (at tax payers expense) S&L in which The President's brother and his friends had controlling interests. When they declared bankruptcy, they were in possession of penthouse(s) on Madison Avenue.

…second amendment rights…
Does “the Right to Bear Arms imply “the Right to Open Fire in School?”
“shoot back at someone trying to shoot me”
At whom was the school shooter shooting back?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

The Drunk British

19/8/07 1:07 AM
"...the entire house who is English...they're Scots...the tribe of Jacob."
Are you an apologist for your heritage?

"...with the parasites who drag us into corporate wars for Israel, or with the Yanks..."
Rather interesting; parasites dragged you into war? For 700 or 200 Brits? Your parasitic PM, Tony Blair, claimed that he must ”war” with Afghanistan for 600-700 dead Brits on 911. That number was later reduced to less than 200. Did he then "war" less? And then he continued on his march "to butcher" the Iraqis for non-existent WMD's. The Pale Faces (White Men) have spoken with forked tongues (lied) for centuries. The Native Americans made the statement, "Pale faces speak with forked tongues." Now you are trying to tell us that you were dragged into "war?" What war, Maitreya? You attacked an Iraq which you weakened with sanctions, which was in no position to even mount a defense, and you call it a war?
The Empire on which the Sun Never Sets is now infested with the parasitic bacteria, TB, Tubercle Bacillus, otherwise known as Tony Blair. (Doesn’t matter that he is no longer PM, the sore festers.)

"...get away from that Queen, and yet now seem to be serving her government so well..."
Are you suggesting that America is serving the British Government? If you are, I may educate you to the fact that your government is "a mere reverberation" of the expressions of the Americans. You are crawling behind America to lap-up the crumbs. Take a look at the award of no-bid contracts. You got the "crumbs" but yet you expend your ill-gotten tax dollars in your Crusade for Oil.

"They don't represent me."
No? Who does? I suppose Americans, Germans, Israelis, Scots and others elected your Government. Blair may be an Alien from la-la land but who made him your criminal PM? Your government, at least until recently, had a higher percentage of Jewish representatives than the US government. Were they elected by the Zionists in Israel? You seem to be whoring for the hand of a "Noble" Iraqi woman. Isn't this what your colonialism has been doing for centuries? Except in those days you did not whore for them but instead you whored them; they were at your "beck and call." You fucked them at will. British wealth was built on the backs of their colonies and the people they enslaved and brutalized and from whom they stole everything they possess today, including the laundered Iraqi billions. Remember the Opium wars!!! This reference was recently made by Layla. It missed you, of course. Immediately after the triangular (quadrangular) Atlantic Slave Trade, you turned your entire focus to the East, colonized India with your forked tongues and brutalized China for "Your Divine Right" to sell them opium. Your Divine Right, according to the dictates of the King James Bible. Softly, softly. Today, London is a major center of money-laundering. Whose money? How many of the whores in the Iraqi government have their billions laundered and stashed in London? How many are living and shopping in London? How many are vested in your arms industry, which is a major supplier to the world of chaos, murder, rape, mayhem, etc.? How many Brits suck a livelihood from the arms industry? Do you know anything about the Salt March or the suppliers of the Birmingham Cloth Mills? The Atlantic Slave trade was so named to distinguish it from the other slave trades in which the Brits were vested. And you are sucking on the sales tax of purchases made by the non-resident Iraqi government.

"...I'm more than willing..."
Of course, for that which will never happen.
"You'll find that many English feel the same."
How sweet. “Feel” and “fuck” are both four letter words beginning with the letter “f.”. Where are they “feeling?” Between their legs? I wonder what they will “feel” if Layla stops blogging. I already fear the worst for Riverbend. She could have been my daughter. After how many more dead Iraqis? The British was THE most brutal of all the colonials and that behaviour exists today. F*** softly, softly. They are extremely primitive brutal animals. But that was their undoing. Today, the Indians are doctoring you, the Blacks and Philippinoes are nursing you, cleaning your filth and pushing your wheel-chairs and they are all colonizing you in the process. Ironic. Isn't it a “good thing” that you did not butcher them all? Too few bullets?

"Stop knocking the English..."
She did not grovel to your request. Mr. Maitreya, these are not your colonial times.
How touching. We don't suck from you for a pittance, not any longer. You are ready to f*** Iraqis some more. You remind me of Bremmer and the beautiful Iraqi woman he married. British women find ultimate pleasure in "not-sex" and British men find it in killing Iraqis.
"it is Scots, Yanks, and the German queen, who launched the war against Iraq..."
Seems you have colonized you own mind to such an extent that you are ignorant of your own history.

"Scots are such a dour lot. The only thing that makes them happy is whiskey, and if you go to Scotland the food is disgusting; best stick to eating at Chinese restaurants in Scotland :-)"
You sound like an empty bottle of Scotch, so pitiful. Of course we know “what” emptied the bottle. From your previous postings, I was of the opinion that you are an intelligent person. The intelligence which had possessed you has taken flight.

"Hey, I went to the land of the free..."
Your British buddies are killing Iraqis in the name of Operation Iraqi Freedom. What the fuck are you talking about "free?"

"..Vietnam Vet begging on the street..."
Take a close look at your vets from Iraq. Never mind, you don't know what "look" means.

"And they have their "Liberty Bell" locked up..."
How much of the world's history are locked-up in your museums, stolen by your British occupiers? Where are the contents of the looted Iraqi museums?
"Coming soon to a Museum near you, The Lootings from Iraq. Stay tuned, while "softly-softly" loot some more Iraqi artifacts.”

”in a bombproof container; hey baby, that's really free :-)”
You TB wasn't calling for a bombing halt on Lebanon, while the British electorate was huddled in bombproof containers in Israel, safe from Hizbullah's stone-age shells. Iraqis have no bombproof containers to protect themselves from your British fly-boys.

And you can get to choose 214 flavours of ice-cream. Now what kind of place is that? You only need coconut flavoured ice-cream…….ice-cream is supposed to be fun, not hard work…..
241 flavours, oh how I wish the children of Iraq could visit that store. Ice-cream was made for the joy of children. Keep sucking Maitreya.
No wonder they're all wall-to-wall fat. Yanks are stupid and ignorant, and I just love winding them up.
Now I understand who you are; you just made a statement of yourself and your kind. British women (and men) are no less shapely; each one can occupy all four sides of a 4'X4' table. Are you still LOLing? And do you also flush Qu'rans? You are such a pathetic, despicable, sick creature.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Country...?

That Entity... !!!
Now that we "know" the history of the primitives, barbarians, despots, Iranians, Iraqis, non-entities, etc., let the killing continue.

What constitutes that entity to which we refer as “A COUNTRY?”

The Warriors as Criminals

What War?

If I start a fight with a kid, unprovoked, is that a legitimate action. America’s slaughter of Iraq can’t possibly be called a war. Interestingly, Vietnam calls their resistance to the American invasion, “The American War”, while America calls it the Vietnam War. And now we have the Iraqi War? Several white nations attacked Iraq and we have a war? This is a “crime,” and if we append Bush’s chosen term, it becomes a “War Crime,” nothing less.
Several centuries of the history of colonialism has instructed us that democratic governments are engineered out of power by the colonials, when that government is not compliant with the designs of the “colonials.” Had Saddam not exercised rigid control over Iraq, its disintegration would have been engineered by the CIA. The CIA’s dilemma was that they could not “break” Saddam’s “hold” on the country, by covert action, so an invasion was necessary. Regime change in Iraq was being planned well before Bush was (dis)counted into office by the Supreme Court. Saddam is accused of Halabja and other “atrocities.” He was not accused of obliterating the communist party, the list of names being handed to him by the CIA. Many would not need “The Family Jewels” to know that the CIA has so engineered numerous atrocities; a US president was never so accused. From McKinney to the present day, all US president are guilty of “Crimes Against Humanity,” including Jimmy Carter.

The Apathy of the West

How Different Are We?
The apathy of the West is derived from a conviction of its own infallibility and superiority. The entire culture is not conducive to the accommodation of the "non-west," on equal terms. After being "raised" in a "West culture", they simply seem to be unable and/or incapable of "another" level/mode/way/model of understanding, if I may call it that. A Caucasian lady (State employee) recently told me she just had her Medical benefits reduced. I told her that what The West has visited on the "non-west" world is not unlike that to which they are now subjecting their own "patriots." She referred me to the massive aid they are giving to the "non-west." Well, I can educate her about "the massive aid," but that would be useless. She cannot "overlay" her current "education." Such is the mentality of the west. "When the Nazis came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats, I remained silent; I was not a social democrat.....

Now they are coming for the "patriots" and "us" "non-west" folks cannot penetrate the cranial-barrier to enlighten them (The patriots").
Twenty-odd years of a "western education" has been so effective and total, it cannot be breached. "The animal is dying, not for lack of medication, but for failure of the medication to reach its target." Hence, the cries of Iraq go unheard.
With respect to your husband, I would repeat what I have said to many women, "this is a man's world." My daughters and some of my female students become angry at my expression, but surprisingly, many of my Western educated female students (mostly Caucasian), volunteer to explain to them what I am really saying. Yes, while the West (entirely men) demonizes other cultures, they ought to look into a mirror; the image will not surprise them.

The Oil for All (who can pay)

Operation Iraqi Liberation (OIL):
Patrick Cockburn is the author of 'The Occupation: War, resistance and daily life in Iraq', a finalist for the National Book Critics' Circle Award for best non-fiction book of 2006.
Cockburn is being recognized for writing non-fiction. The death and destruction of people and their communities is non-fictin and bring "name and fame" and monetary rewards (not shame). Does any of this money reach the "people of this writing?" The institutions of the West have creative ways to generate wealth.
Seems the designs of the "liberators" are finally being realized. While the US has been saying that what they fear most is a civil war, it has always been my feeling that those statements were generated to "create civil war." "If you hate me you will do exactly what I don't want." Civil war is what they really wanted. History has so instructed us. This is the "way of the West." It was my feeling that what is happening in Iraq can never happen. How wrong I was to mis-judge the evil designs of people and the evil of the practitioners. Very, very sad. I did read the article on the refugees in Kurdistan. I cannot feel what they feel, but what I feel is enough. Now that I have "seen" Iraq, it is my suspicion that this is only the beginning of what is to come.
Layla, if it is not only oil, then what else is it? My reasoning says that everything ultimately redirects our attention to oil.

The Glorious Democracy

I know why
In order to “colonize” new lands, we must not see it as unoccupied by people. Remember? “A land without a people for a people without a land.” Or the “natives” are not humans. This is how the US soldiers view the Iraqis, how the “pale faces” saw the native Americans, how the “pales faces” saw the Australian Aborigines, how the Zionists see the Palestinians, and on and on. Remember, both America and Australia were once penal colonies, "hosting" the rejects from the UK. Is it any wonder that these three countries are major players in Iraq? Criminals don’t need brains. They most likely never had any. So can they answer, “why?”Sorry, Layla, you don’t exist. You are not a “pale faced criminal.” The article “The Least Useful Reaction to Terrorism is to Dismiss it as an Inscrutable Evil” By Jenni Russell, (ICH-“The Guardian”) was rather interesting and I cannot comment on the comments. I maintain that the acculturation of the West does not allow for an understanding of anything outside of their world. The comments on Jenni’s article vividly indicates the depth of ignorance. Some of those who have lived in other “countries” or educated themselves accordingly, come close to an understanding.If every “yes but" will deliver a drop of water, your well will be full. “What does it say about you, your countries, your institutions, your governments, your culture, your civilization, your history, your progress, your values, your concepts...?”It is “saying” in Iraq. The Iraqi “conquest” says it all.Several years ago, I came upon an expression, and I realized “Why.” The expression was “you are the product of a Third World University.” Yes, I am and am I proud. The product of American Universities are “producting” in Iraq. The US is governed by some "Ivy leagued" draft dodgers. True "patriots."Now you may understand why there is only one answer, “yes but.” The western education system cannot accommodate any other answer.“oh great people of the West” great guns + great bombs = small minds.“Prior to your liberation, there was no starvation, no abject poverty, kids did not stutter out fear, they went to free schools, learned, grew up and became full functioning adults, with degrees, diplomas and expertise. No, we did not have learning impediments before your liberation.” Sorry, Layla, you did not get Wall Street’s permission to do all these things. I grew-up in a country where “we did great” without Wall Street. Our democratic government was accused of being communist and engineered out of office by the CIA/MI5. We became one of the most indebted countries in the world. Hooray for Democracy.

The Distraction

The Numbers
The CIA's "Family Jewels" would be instrumental in explaining the creation of, not Saddam and Castro, but the policies they implemented. Fifteen (15) percent of Americans are without medical care and those who have it are continually complaining about its erosion and increased cost. Iraq, under the "despot" Saddam, the creation of the USA, had the highest doctor/population ration in the Middle East, including the surrogates, Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.How did Saddam acquire the precursor for his chemical and biological agents? ATCC rings a bell?Oh well, Collaterally Damaged in creation. God needs a new assembly-line. Saddam
Hussein was only the quality control assembly-line monitor. Ask Henry Ford. The education system in the US is such as assembly line, with no quality control monitor. Mr. Hussein, could you step up to the "line." Oh the trap door picked off that one.The museum of the cradle of civilization? Ironic! The cradle, destroyed by the "civilized," to which it gave birth. Anthropology? Never mind, word too "big" for some.If Saddam is guilty, then so is Henry Kissinger, for the Cambodian genocide. And BG? And TB? And the newly minted GB? For the Iraqi genocide. TB claimed he was going to war with Afghanistan for the approximately 6 hundred Brits who died in the WTC. The initial figures of the deaths was 6-7 thousand, including the approximately six hundred Britis. The total number was later reduced to under 200. So did TB go to war for 600 Brits to 200? Did the number matter? When confronted with the number of deaths in Iraq, TB claimed that Saddam killed more, ohhh.... that Sad Man, TB. When you have killing power, intelligence takes flight, assuming it was resident. The list, from which the West must select their leaders, is amazing. An alcoholic draft dogger and another pale-faced, forked tongued creature. Wow. Prepare for the bombs.